Bachelor of Behaviour Management

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Comments about Bachelor of Behaviour Management - On Campus - Robina - Queensland

  • Objectives
    This program is designed for students interested in working with clients challenged by moderate-to-severe behavioural difficulties. Students will learn about the Functional Analysis frameworks and practical techniques required for dealing effectively with child, adolescent and adult clients, many of whom have a diagnosis of developmental disability or learning disorder. Analysing and understanding the reasons for challenging behaviours is a major focus of this degree. Teaching centers on a problem-focussed model and students will receive supervised behaviour management experience as part of the practical placement.
  • Practical experience
    Work Experience & Internships

    Some students without practical workplace experience, or with workplace experience in a field different from their studies, choose to undertake an internship as part of their degree.

    This intensely practical professional development approach fosters graduates who are ready, willing and able to hit the ground running and make an immediate impact in the workplace.
  • Entry requirements
    Successful completion of Year 12 or equivalent, Bond College Certificate.
  • Academic title
    Bachelor of Behaviour Management
  • Course description
    Professional Outcomes

    The Bachelor of Behaviour management qualifies students for careers as case managers, disability instructors and behaviour management workers in human service facilities and organizations that provide programs for clients with challenging behaviour.


    International Students: Students must undertake four subjects per semester (equivalent to 40 credit points) to fulfil student visa requirements.

    Domestic Students: Most Students undertake four subjects per semester (equivalent to 40 credit points). You may, however, enrol in fewer subjects (equivalent to 30 credit points) and extend your degree over a longer period.

    Bond's Teaching methodology involves a combination of lectures, tutorials, seminars, examinations, projects, presentations, assignments, computer labs and industry projects.

    Combined Degrees

    Students can combine this degree with any other undergraduate degree at Bond (except Medicine) to suit their professional and personal interests. Bond's three-semester academic year allows students to complete two degrees in the same time it would take to complete just one degree at other universities (dependant upon degree combination).

    Program Structure
    Core Subjects

    Every Bachelor degree student at Bond is required to complete at least one subject from each of the following four discipline clusters
    Communication (1)

        * CORE11-100 Communication Skills
        * CORE11-101 Public Speaking: Presentation Skills for Leaders

    Outcomes: To communicate effectively in writing, speaking and visual; to understand the nature of communication processes and sources of difficulty in communication.
    Information Technology (1)

        * CORE11-110 Information Technology 1
        * CORE11-111 Business Applications of IT

    Outcomes: To work effectively with contemporary information technology; to evaluate critically the current and future role of computing technology in the storage, retrieval and processing of information.
    Values (1)

        * CORE11-120 Cultural and Ethical Values
        * CORE11-120 Contemporary Issues in Law and Society

    Outcomes: To appreciate the foundation of moral, ethical and social theories and their relevance to issues of public concern and debate; to use theoretical ideas in formulating arguments about how particular issues should be resolved.
    Organisations (1)

        * CORE11-130 Strategic Management
        * CORE11-131 Entrepreneurship

    Outcomes: To appreciate the natural, dynamic and strategic positioning of organisations within their environments; to appreciate the nature of effective work in groups.
    Foundation Subjects (12)

        * BVMT11-103 Abnormality and Illness
        * BVMT11-109 The Influence of Biology on Human Behaviour
        * BVMT12-123 Assessment and Diagnosis
        * BVMT12-304 Behaviour Analysis and Interventions
        * BVMT13-101 Theory and Practice of Functional Analysis
        * BVMT13-153 Interventions with People Experiencing Difficulties
        * BVMT13-111 Introduction to Genetics Counselling
        * BVMT13-155 Policy, Case Management and Independent Living
        * BVMT13-600 Research Project in Behaviour Management
        * BVMT13-700 Practicum 1 - Behaviour Management
        * COUN13-102 Understanding and Changing Human Behaviour
        * COUN13-301 Foundations of Counselling

    HSS Subjects (6)

        * COMN11-101 Human Communication
        * COMN13-310 Corporate & Community Conflict Resolution
        * CRIM13-306 Criminal Profiling
        * EDUC12-128 Australian Schools and Education Systems
        * PSYC11-105 Statistics and Data Analysis 1
        * PSYC12-315 Developmental Psychology

    Electives (2)

    Any two (2) other subjects of which at least one (1) must come from the H&SS list of undergraduate subjects

Other programs related to behavioural science

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