Bachelor of Business and Commerce

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Comments about Bachelor of Business and Commerce - On Campus - Berwick - Victoria

  • Objectives
    The Bachelor of Business and Commerce aims to produce graduates who will:

    (a.) be critical and creative scholars who:

    * produce innovative solutions to problems
    * apply research skills to business challenges
    * communicate effectively and perceptively

    (b.) be responsible and effective global citizens who:

    * engage in an international world
    * exhibit cross cultural competence
    * demonstrate ethical values

    (c.) have a comprehensive understanding of their discipline and are able to provide discipline based solutions relevant to the business, professional and public policy communities that we serve

    (d.) have capacity to integrate and synthesise knowledge from across disciplines to create innovative applications in organisational settings.
  • Course description
    The Bachelor of Business and Commerce provides an international degree and is the link between the overseas offerings of the faculty in Malaysia and South Africa and the on-shore program taught across the Berwick, Gippsland and Peninsula campuses.

    The course is designed to provide maximum flexibility and to allow depth and breadth in the study of the major business and commerce discipline areas. Its structure provides the capacity to tailor applications and focus in different contexts and different environments while ensuring knowledge of the theory, principles and core elements in the relevant discipline areas.

    Professional recognition

    This degree with relevant units is recognised by the following legal entities:
    • Australian Securities and Investment Commission
    • Australian Institute of Management
    • Australian Marketing Institute
    • CPA Australia
    • Financial Services Institute of Australasia
    • National Institute of Accountants
    • The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia.

    Professional recognition may be dependent upon work experience requirements and the correct choice of units.


    The course structure has three main components:
    • a set of core units which provide an introduction to the key areas of business study
    • a major from the list of majors below (this primary major must be selected from majors available on the student's campus of enrolment and all units taken as part of this major must be from the student's campus of enrolment)
    • eight open electives which may be taken from any Faculty of Business and Economics programs and campuses, or from disciplines offered by another faculty. These open electives can, in some cases, form a second major.
    The degree requires completion of 24 units (144 points) over a maximum of eight years as follows:

    (a.) 16 units (96 points) from the faculty in the Bachelor of Business and Commerce at the student's campus of enrolment as follows:

    (i.) six compulsory common core units (36 points):
    • AFW1000 Principles of accounting and finance
    • BTW1200 Business law
    • ECW1101 Introductory microeconomics
    • ETW1102 Business statistics, or ETW1000 Business and economics statistics (S*)
    • MGW1010 Introduction to management
    • MKW1120 Marketing theory and practice

    * See 'Key to campus of offering' below.

    (ii.) a major of eight units (48 points):
    • the major must come from the approved list of majors below
    • at least two units (12 points) must be completed at each of second and third-year levels

    (iii.) additional units selected from the faculty in the Bachelor of Business and Commerce at your campus of enrolment, to reach the required minimum of 16 units (96 points)

    (b.) eight open electives (48 points):
    • may be taken from disciplines offered by another faculty
    • may be taken from any Faculty of Business and Economics programs and campuses.**

    ** Note: Enrolment in units at another campus is subject to there being capacity after students from that campus have enrolled.

    Additional degree requirements:
    • a maximum of 10 first-year level units (60 points)
    • a minimum of six third-year level units (36 points), of which at least four units (24 points) must be from those offered by the faculty at the student's campus of enrolment
    • in addition to specific unit prerequisites, second-year level units require the successful completion of three first-year level units and third-year level units require the successful completion of two second-year level units.

    Major study areas for Bachelor of Business and Commerce

    ACCOUNTING (Berwick, Gippsland, Peninsula, Sunway, Sth Africa, OCL)
    Accounting is a system that identifies, measures, and communicates economic information to permit informed judgements and decisions by the users of that information. It is the language of business.

    Banking and finance is the system that includes the circulation of money, the granting of credit, the making of investments, the acquisition of financing and the provision of banking facilities.

    BUSINESS LAW (Sunway, OCL)
    The law is the backbone of business. It regulates financial transactions and marketing processes, and in doing so applies the law of contract and tort. It regulates those engaged in companies and partnerships and their banking and tax needs. It regulates new economic frontiers, such as e-commerce via the development of cyber laws.

    E-BUSINESS (Sunway) E-Business is the ability to perform transactions involving the exchange of goods or services between two or more parties using electronic tools and techniques. The increased availability of computers and communications, the expansion of the Internet and online services, and the drive toward global competitiveness have all contributed to the growth of e-business.

    Econometrics involves the extraction of information from data. It comprises a set of tools for analysing data using economic theories or computer based statistical models. Econometric analysis provides informed support for business and economic decision making.

    ECONOMICS (Berwick, Gippsland, Sunway, Sth Africa, OCL)
    Economics is the study of the production, distribution and consumption of wealth. Economics is concerned with the welfare of individuals and of society at large and directs attention to how scarce resources can best be allocated. Knowledge of economics helps both individuals and societies.

    Finance and macroeconomics is an interdisciplinary field of study combining economics and finance. The issues of how financial markets impact on the economy, and how the economy influences financial markets is important for business and public policy decision making.

    HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (Berwick, Gippsland, Peninsula, OCL)
    Human resource management is the study of managing people within the employer/employee relationship. It covers strategies and activities that enable people to fulfil their needs in the work environment while achieving the organisation's strategic business objectives.

    INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS (Peninsula, Sunway)
    International business covers all business transactions involving participants from two or more countries. It is a field of management and concerns the special features of transnational business including movement of goods, services, capital, personnel, information and technology.

    MANAGEMENT (Berwick, Gippsland, Peninsula, Sunway, Sth Africa, OCL)
    Management is the process by which organisational goals are attained through integrating human activity. It is largely about people and human endeavour. This major provides the body of knowledge for future managers.

    MARKETING (Berwick, Gippsland, Peninsula, Sunway, Sth Africa, OCL)
    Marketing is the activity, set of institutions and processes for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.

    Marketing communication is about the added value of a range of communication activities for businesses. This major emphasises the role and contribution of advertising to market success in corporations.

    Quantitative economics is an interdisciplinary field of studies combining economics with business statistics and econometrics. Quantitative analysis is an increasingly important aspect of contemporary business practice. On completion of the major graduates will be able to apply principles of economics and statistical methods to decision making in the areas of business and public economic policy.

    SPORT MANAGEMENT (Peninsula)
    Sport is a global business and one of the world's most important cultural activities. Sport management focuses on the cultural and economic influences of sport and the marketing and administration of sport.

    TOURISM (Berwick)
    The study of tourism includes the behaviour and motivations of tourists, the businesses that service the tourists and economic, social and environmental impacts of tourism. Skills developed are primarily in managment, marketing and business studies and include critical thinking, research, analysis and communication.

Other programs related to commerce

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