Bachelor of Business (Business Management)

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Comments about Bachelor of Business (Business Management) - On Campus - Port Macquarie - New South Wales

  • Objectives
    CSU’S Bachelor of Business (Business Management) equips graduates with the skills necessary to manage businesses and be an effective leader.
  • Academic title
    Bachelor of Business (Business Management)
  • Course description
    About the course

    The business manager takes on a role of coordinating and integrating the activities of people to ensure that an organisation achieves its goals. The course will prepare you for all aspects of a business operation and for the development of specific on-the-job skills.

    International students may study this specialisation through CSU regional campuses or the CSU Study Centre Sydney or Melbourne.

    Where it will take you

    As a graduate you will be eligible for a variety of careers in the public and private sectors, and may be eligible for membership of professional organisations such as the Australian Institute of Management.

    You may seek a job in:

        * commerce and industry with large private companies joining a graduate training scheme
        * small to medium sized companies filling a management or management trainee position
        * growth service industries such as the distribution industry, leisure industry and financial services
        * businesses as a retail store manager, sales representative, financial adviser or department manager
        * careers in government, semi-government and non-profit organisations include positions as section or department managers.

    Graduation requirements

    To graduate, students must satisfactorily complete 192 points (24 subjects). These subjects are a combination of core subjects, specialisation subjects and electives.

    All distance education students are required to have access to a personal computer (IBM PC or compatible) and spreadsheet software capable of reading Excel and/or Lotus 1-2-3 files. Further information on CSU's internet policy is available under Admission Requirements.

    Further study

    Meritorious students may apply for acceptance in to the Bachelor of Business (Honours) program.

Other programs related to business management (others)

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