Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)

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Comments about Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) - On Campus - Parkville - Victoria

  • Academic title
    Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)
  • Course description
    First year subjects

    Introductory Macroeconomics
    Introductory Microeconomics
    Quantitative Methods 1
    Business Process Analysis
    Accounting Reports and Analysis
    Accounting Transations and Analysis

    Second year subjects

    Organisational Behaviour
    Introductory Econometrics or Quantitative Methods 2
    Cost Management
    Intermediate Financial Accounting
    Business Finance

    Third year subjects

    Financial Accounting
    Enterprise Performance Management
    Auditing and Assurance Services

    The Bachelor of Commerce exposes students to a wide variety of business disciplines. Students usually choose their major at the beginning of the second year of study, giving them an opportunity to explore a range of disciplines before having to choose a major. Students intending to major in accounting and actuarial studies will need to choose the required subjects from their first year.
    What is a major?
    A major refers to following a sequence of subjects in a particular discipline from an introductory level through to an advanced level. To complete a major in the core, a student must complete three specified level-three subjects (these are usually subjects that a student would study in their third and final year of the degree). Level-three subjects require a student to have completed the relevant level-one and level-two (i.e. first and second year) subjects.
    Majors available
    Students must complete at least one major from the core program. The following majors are available:
    • Accounting                                          
    • Actuarial Studies
    • Business
    • Economics
    • Finance
    • Management
    • Marketing
    Major in Business
    Students who prefer to take subjects from more than one field of study can do so by completing a business major. A business major consists of six level-3 subjects from three or more fields of study within the core program.
    Double majors
    It is possible to complete a double major in the Bachelor of Commerce. Students are able to combine:
    • accounting (including full accreditation) with finance OR management OR marketing
    • finance with accounting (including full accreditation) OR economics OR management OR marketing
    • economics with finance OR management OR marketing
    • management with accounting (including full accreditation) OR economics OR finance OR marketing
    • marketing with accounting (including full accreditation) OR economics OR finance OR management.

    Actuarial studies cannot be combined with any other major.

    A double major requires the completion of six level-3 subjects, i.e. third year subjects, in two disciplines (three subjects per discipline).

    Completing two majors may preclude students from being eligible for honours in either discipline. Students are advised to obtain course advice and plan their subjects carefully in order to keep their options open for honours.

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