Bachelor of Design

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Comments about Bachelor of Design - On Campus - Perth - WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Western Australia

  • Course description
    Bachelor of Design

    Course code W64

    In this course students can specialise in one of three areas: Fashion, Visual and Spatial Design, and Games and Interactive Design.

    In Fashion, students work fundamentally with garment as a site of expression and signifier of self that can carry narratives and reference histories; Visual and Spatial Design involves making visual and spatial products, services and environments through graphic and spatial design thinking to improve communities; while in Games and Interactive Design, students get the opportunity to create original digital interactive products and services that impact on audiences and address user experiences (UX).

    Students will explore the impact design has on history and on the future development of local, national and global communities. The course will provide opportunities for students to collaborate locally and internationally. The design majors, run by experienced graphic, spatial, digital, fashion and service design professionals and researchers at the forefront of design in Western Australia, encourage the sustainable use of materials, images and ideas as vehicles for exploration in relation to environments and individual people in real world and online contexts.

    Students develop transferable visual and spatial problem identification, ideation, and prototyping skills to establish their own place in the world, with a personal style, career opportunities and entrepreneurial skills.

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