Bachelor of Health Promotion - Distance

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Comments about Bachelor of Health Promotion - Online

  • Objectives
    The aim of the BHP is to produce health care professionals with the ability to work effectively in their communities in the area of health promotion. This program seeks to provide students with a comprehensive set of knowledge and skills that reflect the National Health Promotion Competencies and the CQUniversity generic graduate skills and attributes which should enable them to work with clients (individually or in groups) to increase control over and improve their health and wellbeing.
  • Practical experience
    Some courses involve voluntary industry experience.
  • Entry requirements
    Prerequisites - English (4, SA); Recommended study - Physical education
  • Academic title
    Bachelor of Health Promotion
  • Course description

    About Health Promotion

    Health promoters and educators fulfill a crucial role in the community, providing the general public with an easily consumed banquet of health information.

    Career Opportunities

    CQUniversity is providing excellent career opportunities for its health students throughout Australia and overseas.

    Employment opportunities can be found in a variety of health fields such as: sexual health, HIV/AIDS, aged care, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, youth and adolescent health, drug and alcohol services and rural health.

    Career options include: health promotion coordinator, health educator or project manager. Employment opportunities exist within local, state and commonwealth government health departments, major non-government organisations (e.g. Diabetes Australia, National Heart Foundation etc), private industry (e.g. medical insurance companies, corporate health companies, and health promotion consultants), overseas aid agencies (e.g. Community Aid Abroad, AusAID), universities, peak bodies, professional associations and international agencies (e.g. World Health, World Vision, Greenpeace, United Nations).

    Program Structure

    Students must complete 18 core courses, plus 6 in a second discipline area.

     When deciding what courses to choose as a second plan it is worth giving some thought to the type of work you would like to be involved in once you have graduated. Alternatively you might like to focus your studies to develop knowledge and skills in an area you are particularly interested in. In planning your studies in this way you are better able to meet your own learning or employment objectives. If you are uncertain, at this point, as to which direction you would like to take you may find it useful to talk to individuals or organizations involved in health promotional and health education activities. You could also review employment opportunities in health promotion and health education when they are advertised as often the employer will identify the role and responsibilities of the position advertised, which may help you with your career decisions.

    Core courses
    Course Code     Course Name

    Year 1 - Term 1
    HLTH11027     Foundations of Health Promotion
    HMSC11006     Physical Activity, Fitness and Health
    HRMT11010     Organisational Behaviour
    Second plan     

    Year 1 - Term 2
    HLTH11028     Community Needs Assessment
    HMSC11005     Human Anatomy
    JOUR19024     Public Relations & the Media
    NURS11148     Health and Human Behaviour

    Year 2 - Term 1
    HLTH12028     Health Promotion Strategies
    NURS11145     Indigenous and Cross Cultural Health Care
    Second plan     
    Second plan     

    Year 2 - Term 2
    BUSN11015     Applied Business Research
    HLTH12029     Mental Health Promotion
    NUTR19001     Nutrition
    WELF19041     Assessment of Risk to Wellbeing

    Year 3 - Term 1
    HLTH13029     Health Promotion Planning and Development
    HLTH13031     Population Health Epidemiology
    Second Plan     
    Second Plan     

    Year 3 - Term 2
    GEOG19021     Geographic Information Systems
    HLTH13030     Health Promotion Evaluation
    WELF19007     Welfare Studies D: Working With Communities

    Second Plan     

    The second plan consists of 6 courses in a second discipline area which must include at least 4 Advanced Level courses. Students can choose from the recommended plans or design their own plan to improve their employment opportunities in consultation with the Program Coordinator.

    Recommended second plans include:

        * Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
        * Health and Human Performance Studies
        * Human Resources Management
        * Human Welfare Studies
        * Multimedia
        * Occupational Health and Safety
        * Professional Writing
        * Vocational Education and Training

    Second plans
    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
    Recommended for those students with an interest in working with Indigenous Australians.
    Course Code     Course Name
    CULT12003     Race Issues and Indigenous Media
    INDG11005     Indigenous Ways of Learning
    INDG11006     Foundations of Indigenous Learning
    INDG11013     Introductory Aboriginal & Islander History
    INDG19015     Aboriginal Cultures and Country
    INDG19016     Contemporary Indigenous Issues
    SOWK14004    Reconciliation in the Workplace and Community

    Communication Practice
    The following courses cover a variety of communciation channels including written, verbal and visual.
    Course Code     Course Name
    Level 1
    COMM11007     Media Writing
    COMM11108     Communication and Democracy in Australia

    COMM12022     Technology, Communication and Culture
    COMM12030     Desktop Publishing
    COMM12033     Speech Communication
    COMM12116     Contemporary Photomedia

    Health and Human Performance studies
    Recommended for those students with an interest in the physical activity aspects of health and promotion.
    Course Code     Course Name
    Level 1
    HMSC11004     Measurement and Evaluation in Health and Human Performance
    HMSC11034     Study Skills for Health and Human Performance

    Level 2
    HMSC12007     Exercise and Work Physiology
    HMSC12008     Biomechanics
    HMSC13021     Advanced Biomechanics
    HMSC13022     Advanced Exercise & Work Physiology

    Recommended for those students with an interest in the management side of health and promotion who will be better served in.  Students will acquire an understanding of a wide range of business areas and operations.
    Course Code     Course Name

    Level 1
    HRMT11011     Human Resources in Organisations
    MGMT11109     Introduction to Management

    HRMT19016     Contemporary Organisational & H R M Studies
    HRMT19020     Managing Organisational Change
    HRMT19021     Principles of Employment Relations
    HRMT19023     HRM Competencies
    MGMT19103     Logistics Management
    MGMT19114     Strategic Management

    Nutrition Science
    Recommended for those students with an interest in nutritional aspects of health promotion.
    Course Code     Course Name

    Level 1
    CHEM11007     Introductory Concepts of Chemical Sciences
    CHEM11008     Essential Principles of Chemical Sciences

    BMED19003     Clinical Biochemistry
    BMED19006     Clinical Dietetics
    BMED19010     Macromolecules and Cell Function
    Occupational Health and Safety
    Recommended for those students looking for a career within occupational health and safety.
    Course Code     Course Name

    Level 1
    OCHS12001     Introductory Occupational Health and Safety
    OCHS12005     Risk Management and Safety Technology CQ26

    OCHS13008     Human Factors CQ26
    OCHS13010     Applied Worksite Analysis
    OCHS13011     Occupational Rehabilitation and Compensation
    OCHS13016     Occupational Health, Hygiene and Toxicology

    Students who complete the above-mentioned 6 courses are eligible to receive a certificate in OH&S.
    Recommended for those students with an interest in understanding the role and functions people and organisations play in a community.
    Course Code     Course Name

    Level 1
    SOCL11055     Introduction to Sociology
    SOCL11056     Australian Society

    SOCL19057     Environmental Sociology
    SOCL19062     Policy Power and Politics
    SOCL19065     Rural Sociology and Social Services
    SOCL19070     Health and Medical Sociology

    Vocational Education and Training

    Provides students with skills and knowledge to provide vocational education and training within the workforce and/or the wider community.
    Course Code     Course Name
    EDFE12041     Embedded Professional Learning 2 (VET)
    EDVT11004     Adolescent & Adult Education
    EDVT11019     Design in VET 1
    EDVT12008     VET Pedagogy
    EDVT12015     Adolescent & Adult Literacy & Numeracy
    EDVT13019     Design of VET 2

    EDFE12041 Portal Task Exp II VET should be completed last to apply the knowledge in a workplace

    Successful completion of these courses may enable students to be eligible for Reciprocal Cross Credit for Certificate IV in Training and Assessment 40104 through Central Queensland Institute of TAFE (NB: this is NOT a university award and a further cost from Central Queensland Institute of TAFE may be involved. Final details yet to be decided as of February 2006). Portal Task 2 (VET) can be done within industry rather than schools.
    Welfare Studies (Community Development)
    The welfare studies (community development) plan provides a pathway for a career in community development such as working as a sports development officer, recreation officer, event manager or promoter, or indeed as a community development officer. The plan is accredited by the Australian Institute of Welfare and Community Workers if the WELF 19039 Practicum (2 terms) is completed. Entry into this course is dependent upon the outcome of interviews with the course coordinator. The practicum normally takes place in Term 3. To do the practicum students must not only have a satisfactory interview but obtain an overall credit rating or better in WELF 19004 Individual Counselling OR WELF 19005 Working with Groups. If you wish to study this plan but don't intend pursuing a career in the area, you do NOT need to complete WELF 19039 Industry Practicum.

    Course Code     Course Name
    Level 1
    LAWS11045     Law and Welfare of Society A
    LAWS11048     Law and Welfare of Society B

    Advanced (must be studied in sequence)
    WELF19004     Welfare Studies A:Individual Counselling
    WELF19040     Working with Families and Groups
    WELF19039     Welfare Studies E:Practicum

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