Bachelor of International Relations (Business)

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  • Objectives
    This program provides a choice of studies for students who are interested in the areas of international affairs and business within both government and non-government sectors. Studies will be in areas related to international relations, foreign policy, global politics and economic history, international economics, trade, human development, international business, legal, cultural and language studies.
  • Practical experience
    Work Experience & Internships Some students without practical workplace experience, or with workplace experience in a field different from their studies, choose to undertake an internship as part of their degree. This intensely practical professional development approach fosters graduates who are ready, willing and able to hit the ground running and make an immediate impact in the workplace
  • Entry requirements
    Successful completion of Year 12 or equivalent, Bond College Certificate
  • Academic title
    Bachelor of International Relations (Business)
  • Course description

    International Students: Students must undertake four subjects per semester (equivalent to 40 credit points) to fulfil student visa requirements.

    Domestic Students: Most Students undertake four subjects per semester (equivalent to 40 credit points). You may, however, enrol in fewer subjects (equivalent to 30 credit points) and extend your degree over a longer period.

    Bond's Teaching methodology involves a combination of lectures, tutorials, seminars, examinations, projects, presentations, assignments, computer labs and industry projects.

    Combined Degrees

    Students can combine this degree with any other undergraduate degree at Bond (except Medicine) to suit their professional and personal interests. Bond's three-semester academic year allows students to complete two degrees in the same time it would take to complete just one degree at other universities (dependant upon degree combination).

    Professional Outcomes

    Intellectual preparation for performing in this complex and challenging environment is paramount. Graduates who hope to succeed in business or international organizations will gain an obvious advantage by having studied in this area of expertise. So too, will anyone who wishes to become involved in diplomacy or policy formation.

    Program Structure
    Core Subjects

    Every Bachelor degree student at Bond is required to complete at least one subject from each of the following four discipline clusters
    Communication (1)

        * CORE11-100 Communication Skills
        * CORE11-101 Public Speaking: Presentation Skills for Leaders

    Outcomes: To communicate effectively in writing, speaking and visual; to understand the nature of communication processes and sources of difficulty in communication.
    Information Technology (1)

        * CORE11-110 Information Technology 1
        * CORE11-111 Business Applications of IT

    Outcomes: To work effectively with contemporary information technology; to evaluate critically the current and future role of computing technology in the storage, retrieval and processing of information.
    Values (1)

        * CORE11-120 Cultural and Ethical Values
        * CORE11-120 Contemporary Issues in Law and Society

    Outcomes: To appreciate the foundation of moral, ethical and social theories and their relevance to issues of public concern and debate; to use theoretical ideas in formulating arguments about how particular issues should be resolved.
    Organisations (1)

        * CORE11-130 Strategic Management
        * CORE11-131 Entrepreneurship

    Outcomes: To appreciate the natural, dynamic and strategic positioning of organisations within their environments; to appreciate the nature of effective work in groups.
    Foundation (6)

        * IBUS12-250 Introduction to International Business
        * INTR11-100 Introduction to International Relations
        * INTR13-306 Prospects for Global Politics
        * MKTG11-100 Marketing
        * LAWS10-100 Business Law
        * ECON11-100 Principles of Economics

    Business Relations Major (6)


        * INTR12-210 East-West International Diplomacy
        * INTR12-213 International Development (Theory and Practice)
        * INTR12-214 International Political Economy
        * IBUS13-351 International Trade
        * IBUS13-356 Global Business Strategy

    Plus one from the following subjects:

        * LAWS13-446 International Trade and Business Law
        * LAWS10-105 Introduction to Cross-Border Business Law
        * LAWS13-450 International Law
        * LAWS13-505 Aspects of European Law

    Specialisation (5)

    Students can choose to undertake a specialisation in any of the areas listed below:
    International Marketing and Public Relations:

        * IBUS13-353 International Marketing
        * INTR13-309 Introduction to Diplomacy
        * MKTG13-312 The Internet and Marketing
        * PUBR11-100 Public Relations Practice and Event Management
        * PUBR13-312 Public Relations Campaigns and Strategies

    Leadership and Management:

        * INTR13-310 Alternative Globalisations
        * MGMT13-320 Leadership
        * MGMT13-305 Human Resource Management
        * MGMT11-101 Organisational Behaviour
        * COMN13-306 Organisational Communication and Leadership

    European International Relations:

        * INTR13-304 Eurasia
        * INTR12-203 The United Nations
        * INTR12-202 The Middle East
        * INTR12-212 European Political Economy
        * Plus one approved subject from Law

    Asian International Affairs:

        * INTR13-301 China and Northeast Asia
        * INTR12-201 South Asia
        * INTR12-230 Terrorism
        * INTR13-303 Chinese Defence Policy
        * INTR13-305 Australia & the Asia-Pacific

    Modern Language

    Five language subjects: French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese or English. A variety of these will be permitted
    Electives (3)

    Any three (3) other subjects of which at least one (1) must come from the H&SS list of undergraduate subjects.

    Students may be able to undertake an internship or exchange abroad (depending on GPA).

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