Bachelor of Nursing (Pre-Registration)

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  • Objectives
    The aim of the Bachelor of Nursing is to provide students with the learning opportunities they need to meet the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC)'s National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse (2006). Learning outcomes Graduates of the course are expected to be able to: * meet the requirements for registration as general nurses with the Nurses' Board of South Australia; * deliver nursing care as safe and therapeutic practitioners based on justifiable decisions derived from clinical reasoning and evidence, taking account of the broader context of care; * base nursing care on an understanding of clinical science: anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology; * base nursing care on an understanding of health and wellness and people's socio-cultural, psychological and developmental responses to illness and disability and death; * base their nursing care on an understanding of the social context of health and health care; * critically reflect about practice and use reflections as a basis to improve practice; * be resourceful and tolerate ambiguity; * have developed an approach to nursing and inquiry which prepares them for handling situations in the future which are more or less unknown; * function as effective members of the health care team.
  • Entry requirements
    * Pre-Registration: For candidates with no previous formal nursing qualification, enrolled nurses, psychiatric/mental health/mental deficiency nurses who are seeking registration as general nurses and nurses with an overseas qualification not recognised by an Australian nurse registration authority. Requires three years of full-time study or the equivalent part-time in the internal mode only. Enrolled nurses may be eligible for up to 36 units of credit. Psychiatric/mental health/mental deficiency nurses and nurses with an overseas qualification will be required to apply for credit on the basis of previous qualifications and work experience. This pathway can be combined with the Bachelor of Health Sciences, and requires four years of full-time study or the equivalent part-time. * Graduate Entry: An accelerated program for candidates who hold an approved degree in an area other than nursing. Holders of an approved three-year full-time, or part-time equivalent, higher education diploma are also eligible for consideration for admission. Requires two years of full-time study or the equivalent part-time in the internal mode only. * Re-Entry: For candidates with prior nursing registration who are required under the Nurses' Act 1999 to complete a re-entry program prior to rejoining the workforce as Registered General Nurses in South Australia (ie nurses who are no longer eligible to renew their annual practising certificate but have practised within the last 15 years). Requires one year of full-time study or the equivalent part-time in the internal mode only. Applicants must provide evidence of previous registration as a general nurse with the Nurses' Board of South Australia, together with evidence of practice as a Registered General Nurse. Clinical placements will be arranged. Mid-year entry only. * Registered Midwife Pathway: An accelerated program for currently registered midwives holding a midwifery degree or equivalent qualification, who wish to register as general nurses. Requires one and a half years of full-time study or the equivalent part-time in the internal mode only. Mid-year entry only. * Registered Nurse Pathway: For overseas qualified nurses who wish to register as a general nurse with the Nurses Board of South Australia. Requires one year of full-time study or the equivalent part-time in the internal mode only. Applicants must provide documentary evidence of eligibility for registration with a nurses' registration authority in the country in which they originally registered (ie practising certificate). Clinical placements are arranged for international students seeking registration with the Nurses Board of South Australia. Mid-year entry only. CREDIT Pre-Registration: Australian enrolled nurses who hold a Diploma of Nursing qualification or equivalent are eligible for a maximum of 36 units of credit. Applicants who hold a Certificate IV in Health/Nursing qualification or equivalent are eligible for a maximum of 13.5 units of credit. Psychiatric/mental health/mental deficiency nurses may also be eligible for credit on the basis of previous qualifications and work experience. Overseas registered/licensed nurses who hold a current overseas practising certificate are eligible for a maximum of 36 units of credit
  • Academic title
    Bachelor of Nursing (Pre-Registration)
  • Course description
    The Bachelor of Nursing (Pre-Registration) is for students with no previous formal nursing qualifications, for enrolled nurses and/or for psychiatric/mental health/mental deficiency nurses who would like to become eligible to register with the Nurses Board of South Australia as a Registered Nurse.  

    You will:

        * be introduced to clinical practice together with the scientific basis of nursing,  communication for practice, research skills and the role of the nurse in the health care system
        * develop nursing skills and relate all aspects of body function with nursing practice, and continue gaining clinical experience in various health care settings  
        * explore complex health issues in nursing such as Indigenous health issues, nursing in a sociopolitical context and mental illness, alcohol tobacco and other drugs.

    Our aim is to prepare nurses who are reflective about practice and have well-developed clinical reasoning skills.

    What will I study?

    Refer to the program of study.
    What is Nursing?

    Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings.

    Modern nurses play an important role in health promotion, maintenance and education, as well as in traditional patient care and the restoration of health.
    Why study Nursing at Flinders?

    * Our School of Nursing & Midwifery has been at the forefront of innovation and development in Australia for many years and is internationally recognised for its high quality programs in nursing and midwifery education.
    * Our programs address health issues, midwifery and nursing care practice across the life span in home, community and institutional settings.
    * Our staff come from diverse backgrounds and have many years of experience in a range of clinical specialties, sciences, humanities and law. Six of whom have won Vice-Chancellor's Excellence in Teaching Awards.
    * We offer innovative practice-based education and aim to connect research, practice and teaching so that each informs the other.
    * We work closely with external clinical and community agency partners to create a curriculum and student practice that are informed by primary health care principles and demonstrate the highest levels of professionalism.

    Professional recognition

    Our graduates are eligible to apply for registration with the Nurses Board of South Australia and are eligible for registration in other Australian states through mutual recognition to practice in the role of a Registered Nurse.
    Combined degree options
    Combine with
    Duration (full-time equivalent)
    Bachelor of Health Sciences
        4 years

    Refer to Nursing combined degrees for further information.
    Career opportunities

    What can I do with my Bachelor of Nursing degree?
    Study a language

    Flinders also offers all students the opportunity to major in a language in conjunction with any undergraduate course. The Diploma in Language is designed to provide students with competence in a chosen language that adds greater portability to their qualifications. You will complete a total of one extra year of study and graduate with both your chosen degree and the Diploma in Language. You can apply for this at time of enrolment.

    The Bachelor of Nursing provides five entry pathways: Pre-Registration; Graduate Entry; Re-Entry; Registered Midwife Pathway; Registered Nurse Pathway.

    The course is offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences on a Commonwealth Supported basis.

    Enrolment in the honours program may be offered to a student who meets certain academic criteria and subject to the school being able to provide appropriate resources and staff to supervise the program of study.

    PROGRAM OF STUDY  [November, 2008]

    To qualify for the Bachelor of Nursing, a student must complete 108 units with a grade of Pass or NGP or better in each topic.

    Not all elective topics are available in a given year.

    Except with permission of the Faculty Board the course must be completed within six consecutive years.

    The award of a grade of Fail (F) in the same topic on more than one occasion may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the purposes of the University's Policy on Student Progress.

    A student who fails the practice component of any topic will receive a Fail grade for that topic.

    A student may at any time be precluded or removed from a clinical placement.

    Programs of study for entry pathways:

        * Pre-Registration
        * Graduate Entry
        * Re-Entry
        * Registered Midwife Pathway
        * Registered Nurse Pathway


    A student who has completed all the requirements of the Bachelor of Nursing degree, or a qualification which the Faculty Board agrees is equivalent, may be accepted as a candidate for the honours degree providing they have achieved a credit average or better in fulfilling the requirements for the bachelors degree.

    To qualify for the honours degree, a student must complete satisfactorily 36 units of study within one year full-time or two years part-time.

    Research Pathway

    Semester 1


    Honours Independent Study



    Research Issues in Health



    Thesis Preparation


    Semester 2


    Honours Thesis


    Arrangements have been made to enable selected students to undertake the research pathway in conjunction with the graduate nurse programs offered by participating teaching hospitals.

Other programs related to nursing

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