Bachelor of Science

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Comments about Bachelor of Science - On Campus - Port Macquarie - New South Wales

  • Objectives
    CSU’s Bachelor of Science course is a vocationally-oriented course that produces graduates with a sound knowledge base in physical science and specialised studies in a number of majors.
  • Academic title
    Bachelor of Science
  • Course description
    About the course

    The Bachelor of Science is a general science course with current majors in Analytical Chemistry, Mathematics, Spatial Science, Biology, Plant Biotechnology and Forensic Chemistry. It provides students with an appreciation of the interdisciplinary nature of much of modern scientific investigation, and produces highly employable graduates.

    Where it will take you

    Chemistry graduates find ready employment in industry, government departments and authorities, and research laboratories. Their work may involve research, development and design of new products and processes, sample testing and analysis, quality control and laboratory management.

    Employment opportunities for Mathematics graduates include forecasting and risk analysis in the finance and insurance industries; modelling of environmental and industrial systems; optimisation - transport industries, urban and regional planning, data analysis; government and business; signal and image processing; astronomy, remote sensing and GIS; technical programming and teaching.

    A graduate in Spatial Science could expect to find employment in the expanding industries of resource monitoring, mapping and planning. Areas such as agriculture, geology and environmental studies are all seeking graduates with image analysis, GIS and computing skills to support both project and research work. Jobs are found at all levels of federal, state and local government as well as the private sector.

    Graduates in Biology will have a broad grounding in the biological sciences and can expect to find employment in a variety of government and semi-government organisations as well as in industry and teaching.

    Graduates in Forensic Chemistry will be proficient in general forensic science, crime scene management and fire science. Subjects studied will cover crime scene management, scene contamination and preservation, evidence detection, combustion science, explosives, electricity, fire/arson investigation, and separation and identification of unknown compounds. Supporting studies will explore the general areas of chemistry, statistics, Australian business law, biomedical sciences and information technology. The combination of studies ensures forensic study is embedded in a more general degree and so prepares graduates for employment in a cross-section of careers including chemistry disciplines as well as forensic science.

    Your course is recognised by industry

    Graduates of the Chemistry major are qualified for membership of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute.

    The latest facilities

    To make sure you are experienced using the equipment and techniques found in the workplace, our facilities include:

        * state-of-the-art laboratories which include mass spectrometry and chromatography
        * GIS/remote sensing facilities with two airborne digital imaging systems and GPS equipment
        * modern PC2 glass-houses for plant biotechnology experiments
        * fully-equipped laboratories for molecular analysis
        * computer-aided mathematics software packages to assist students


    Credit packages are available, e.g: NSW TAFE Diploma of Chemical Technology (Chemistry major).

    Residential school

    Distance education students usually study two subjects per session. Many subjects in this course have optional and/or compulsory residential school requirements. Most residential schools are of two to four days duration.


    CSU's Science Scholarships are available for on campus applicants to this course, providing $4000 per annum for up to four years (subject to satisfactory progress). Once awarded the Scholarship, the money is the student's to spend in the way that assists them most.

    Applicants must achieve a University Admissions Index (UAI)(NSW) or ENTER(VIC) of 80 and above (inclusive of the Regional Bonus) to be eligible to receive the Scholarship.

    To apply, download the Science Scholarships application form, complete all sections, then return the form to the Scholarships Officer before the end of October in the year prior to commencing your studies.

    Graduation requirements

    To graduate students must satisfactorily complete 192 points (24 subjects).

    Students completing the Chemistry major are also required to complete a minimum of six weeks' industrial work experience to qualify for graduation.

    Students will graduate from the Bachelor of Science with the award BSc.

    Further study

    Graduates wanting to become science or mathematics teachers can undertake a Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary).

    Postgraduate courses include an Honours year program and:
    Graduate Certificate in Applied Science
    Graduate Diploma of Applied Science
    Master of Applied Science
    Master of Philosophy
    Doctor of Philosophy

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