Comments about Bachelor of Science (Digital Media) Honours - On Campus - Perth - WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Western Australia
This honours degree is a fourth year of undergraduate student involves research oriented study.
Entry requirements
Course average of 70% or better in the Bachelor of Science (Digital Media) or equivalent
Academic title
Bachelor of Science (Digital Media) Honours
Course description
This course is available for on-campus study by students with an International student visa.
This course structure contains information about the units which comprise the course as well as the credit points required to successfully complete it.
The honours year consists of two elements:
(i) a series of three taught units which are common to all areas;
(ii) a research project in the area of specialisation.
Year One
Unit Description Points
Semester 1
CMM5101 Thesis Preparation 1 20
CMM5103 Seminar Series 20
CMM5115 Literature Review 20
Semester 2
CMM5104 Honours Research Project 1 20
CMM5105 Honours Research Project 2 20
CMM5106 Honours Research Project 3 20