Bachelor of Social Science

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  • Objectives
    Broadens student's understanding of themselves, their community and society as well as prepare them for work as policy makers, managers and practitioners within the community/public service sector. It also offers a pathway into Social Work. Disciplines offered include: Applied Counselling, Children and Family Studies, Community Studies, Counselling and Psychotherapy, Disability, Home Economics, Welfare and Community Work, Women's Studies and Youth Work. Students who complete a Major in Children and Family Studies receive Accreditation under the Community Services (Child Care) legislation to work as trained staff in Children's Services / Child Care. The Major in Children and Family Studies also has Accreditation in New South Wales. Any of the following Majors - Children and Family Studies, Community Studies, Disability, Women's Studies and Youth Work - in combination with the Major in Welfare and Community Work are accredited with the Australian Institute of Welfare and Community Workers.
  • Entry requirements
    Minimum admission requirements apply to enter this course
  • Academic title
    Bachelor of Social Science
  • Course description
    Related careers

    Policy Maker, Community Health Officer, Practitioners in the community and public sector, Child Care Worker, Child and Family Support Worker, Disability Services Worker, Disability Project Officer, Disability Policy Officer, Youth Worker, Women's Refuge Worker, Women's Health Centre Project Officer, Multicultural Project Officer, Community Centre Co-ordinator, Sexual Assault Education Officer, Community Housing Project Officer, Trade Union Advocate, Social Program Evaluator, Graduate Officer in public service agencies (e.g. Department of Community Development, Department of Child Protection, Department of Health, Disability Services Commission, Women's Policy Office, Department of Youth Sport and Recreation)

    This course is available for on-campus study by students with an International student visa.
    Bachelor of Social Science students can study unitsets in the following disciplines as part of this course:

    Majors in the Bachelor of Social Science

    All students complete a Major as part of their degree. The Bachelor of Social Science offers students a wide range of majors as choices. All majors have 12 units (12 x 15 = 180 credit points). The choices available include:
              o Applied Counselling Skills
              o Children and Family Services
              o Community Studies
              o Counselling
              o Disability
              o Welfare & Community Work
              o Women's Studies
              o Youth Work

          NB: Honours programs are available to students from all Majors subject to the approval of the School.
        * Applied Counselling Skills
        * Children and Family Studies
        * Community Studies
        * Counselling and Psychotherapy
        * Disability Studies
        * Home Economics
        * Welfare and Community Work
        * Women's Studies
        * Youth Work

          Supplementary Program

          All students must complete 90 credit points from the Supplementary Program. This comprises:
              o An additional minor of 90 credit points (6 units) from the Bachelor of Social Science
              o A 90 credit point (6 unit) Minor from anywhere in the School or University
              o A set of electives worth 90 credit points from anywhere in the School or University.

          Bachelor of Social Science Minors

          All Minors comprise six (6) 15 credit point units (total 90 credit points) from within a related area. Areas marked with * are those located in Schools/Faculties outside of School of International, Cultural and Community Studies. The set of units selected must comprise two (2) at first year level and four (4) at upper levels.
        * Addiction Studies
        * Children and Family Studies
        * Community Studies
        * Counselling
        * Criminology and Justice
        * Disability
        * Health Promotion
        * Leisure Sciences
        * Politics and Government
        * Professional Development
        * Psychology
        * Social Studies
        * Women's Studies
        * Youth Work

          Supporting Majors and Minors in Community Studies

          The School of International, Cultural and Community Studies welcomes students from across the university to study components of the Bachelor of Social Science. There are two Supporting Majors (one eight (8) unit and one ten (10) unit) available to students who are not enrolled in the Bachelor of Social Science and one six (6) unit Minor.

    This course structure contains information about the units which comprise the course as well as the credit points required to successfully complete it.

    Award requirements

    Students enrolling in the Bachelor of Social Science must complete a total of 360 credit points and may complete no more than 150 credit points at year One level.

    The degree has three components:

        * Core units (90 credit points)
        * One Major (180 credit points)
        * A Supplementary Program (90 credit points)

    Supplementary Program
    A Supplementary Program comprising:

        * An additional minor of 90 credit points from the BSocSci;
        * A 90 credit point Minor from anywhere in the School or the University;
        * A set of 90 credit point electives from anywhere in the School or the University.


    Note: All selections are subject to availability, and to standard University and Course Rules.

    Semester requirements

    In each semester, full-time students will normally complete 60 credit points:

        * 15 credit points from the compulsory Core Units
        * 30 credit points from the Major
        * 15 credit points from the Supplementary Program

    Students normally complete first level units before advanced level units. Unit Pre-requisites must be met in all cases.

    Selecting an individual course of study within the Bachelor of Social Science

    The Bachelor of Social Science has been designed with great flexibility, to provide students with an excellent range of choices whist still maintaining a coherent program. The selection of units within the program is subject to availability and normal University and Faculty rules. This flexible approach does mean students need to take great care in selecting an individual program of study, which fulfils the course requirements. Students are advised to consult with the School Student Support Officer or a relevant Course Coordinator in planning their course.

    Unit           Description                                         Points
    Core Units

    Students complete all six of these units:
    CSV1101    Introduction to Community Work           15
    CSV1102    Introduction to Social Analysis               15
    CSV3101    Social Policy                                            15
    CSV3102    Social Programme Evaluation                 15
    CSV3111    Community Development                       15
    CSV3112    Administration and Management in Community and Public Services        

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