Bartending Program

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Comments about Bartending Program - On Campus - Oakleigh - Victoria

  • Course description
    The Australian School of Bartending applies access and equity principles and provides this information, advice and support services to identify and achieve your desired learning outcomes.
    We welcome all students to our courses. However, nationally recognised training is open to Australian Residents, or international students with a current student visa at another educational institution. Students of all backgrounds and denominations, with reasonable literacy and numeracy in English are welcome to enrol.

    A full information pack will be supplied to those enrolling in the 7-Day Bar Operations Course at the time of their enrolment and information on this course is readily available for review at our office, or by just calling.

    House Principles
    In every good training environment, both trainer and trainee display mutual respect. Students have the right to be trained professionally and to assure this the following applies to all courses.

    The intensity of the learning process requires 100% attendance in order to receive the certificate of attendance or statement of attainment for the National Units of Competency. Please keep in mind that everybody pays fees to attend and your behaviour will have a direct affect on all others in the class. Consideration will be given to reschedule into another course should sickness cause significant absence. Application must be in writing to avoid forfeiting your opportunity to complete the missed sections(s).

    You will receive Certificates of Attendance for fully attended modules in the short skills courses, including Bartending, Introduction to Wine, Cocktail Making, Beer Cellar Operations; Responsible Serving of Alcohol [endorsed by Liquor Licensing Victoria]. No certificates will be issued for incomplete modules or unattended classes. Refer to each course for the applicable certificates.

    You will receive a Statement of Attainment for all nationally units of competency attended as part of your Bar Operations Course. These include:
    THHBFB00B Clean and tidy bar areas
    THHGHS01B Follow workplace hygiene procedures
    THHBFB01B Operate a Bar
    THHGFA01B Process financial transactions
    THHBFB09B Provide responsible service of alcohol
    During all courses your skills will be assessed on the elements important in your real work environment. These assessments are explained at the commencement of every course. Just as in real life, assessments will help identify areas of strength and areas for improvement. Good assessments do not present any surprises for students, but merely assist both trainer and student to ensure that you are competent as you go through the course.

    Support Services:
    We offer a supportive environment for all our students - your success is our success and we are there to ensure that you achieve and would be happy to assist you wherever possible with securing your educational goals. Amongst our support services we offer:

    When you enrol into any course, you will be able to access all policies that may affect you whilst you attend the school. These policies include our Discrimination policy; Complaints & Appeals policy, Discipline policy, Privacy policy, our OH&S policy and others that ensure your experience at the school will be an enjoyable, safe and positive learning experience. Your trainer will also discuss some of these items with you ensuring transparency at all times.

    If there is anything we should know about things that may affect your learning, this is the right time to talk to us. If you have any learning difficulties e.g., reading / writing or understanding English please let us know in advance.

    We often receive requests for good staff and happily supply referrals on your behalf. Simply indicate your agreement on the enrolment form and if you have satisfactorily completed your bar or waiter course, your name will be supplied to any potential employers. It is up to these employers to call you to take matters further.

    Everything has been provided for you to enjoy a meaningful learning experience. We invite feedback on your experience at the end of every course - did it meet expectations? All constructive criticism (both positive and negative) is treated with integrity and it is only through your feedback that we can constantly strive for excellence and improvement.

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