Comments about Business Administration Certificate III (NRT) - Armidale Campus - On Campus - Armidale - New South Wales
It develops competence in exercising initiative in a business environment, organising workplace information, producing business documents, maintaining financial records, delivering and monitoring a service to customers, participating in occupational health and safety processes, producing texts from notes, producing texts from audio transcription, designing and developing business documents, creating electronic presentations and organising schedules.
Entry requirements
This course is suitable for all ages from school leavers to mature-aged learners and also trainees.
Academic title
Business Administration Certificate III (NRT) - Armidale Campus
Course description
This course has been developed to enable learners to satisfy the
requirements for the Certificate III in Business Administration BSB30407
requiring 13 units - 2 core units plus 11 elective units.
To satisfy these requirements this course has been structured into four
groups plus an optional tutorial group.
Group 1 contains the core units BSBITU307A Develop keyboarding speed and
accuracy and BSBOHS201A Participate in OHS processes. Both units must be
Group 2 contains elective units. Learners must complete 11 units.
Group 2 subgroup 1 contains Administration units - 7 Administration units
must be selected.
The additional 4 elective units required may be selected from the remaining
elective units in group 2, subgroup 1, 2 and/or 3, or from an equivalent
AQF qualification in the BSB07 Business Services Training Package or any
other currently endorsed national Training Package.(see **Note** below).
Group 2 subgroup 2 contains generic business elective units and other
Certificate III units.
Note, a maximum of 2 of the 4 units may be selected from group 2 subgroup 3
containing Certificate II and Certificate IV units.
Elective units must be relevant to the work outcome, local industry
requirements and the qualification level.
Units selected from other Training Packages must not duplicate units
selected from or available within the BSB07 Business Services Training
Where the packaging of this qualification meets the rules of a specialist
qualification, the specialist qualification and not the generic
qualification must be awarded.
The teaching section, through their line manager, should contact the course
sponsor if a request is received from:
* an industry group to include a specific unit of competency in a
qualification that is not already in the course
* a learner seeking recognition for a unit(s) of competency not included
the course and achieved at another RTO or TAFE Institute.
The course sponsor will:
* check if the requested unit(s) of competency meet the Training Package
qualification completion rules
* include the unit(s) of competency in the course structure in an
appropriate group for delivery or recognition.
Group 998
The module 9765G is included to allow students who require additional
tuition in order to satisfactorily complete the business units in this
course, and to complete required tasks within acceptable timeframes. This
module is OPTIONAL and is provided to students on a demonstrated needs
basis only. Talk to your teacher if you think you need additional tuition.
Group 999
Units and modules in this Group are optional to allow Institutes to meet
learners' needs as appropriate.
Students requiring support to meet their learning goals need to co-enrol
in the Learner Support course (TAFE Course Number 9999). Talk to your
teacher if you think you may require learner support.
Talk to your teacher and/or workplace trainer, to ensure that your
combination of electives provides you with a suitable vocational outcome.
All module/units must be completed
Modules/Units Name Hrs
BSBITU307A Develop keyboarding speed and accuracy 50
BSBOHS201A Participate in OHS processes 20
Subgroups 1, 3 must be completed
At least 11 module/units must be completed
At least 7 module/units must be completed
Modules/Units Name Hrs
BSBADM307B Organise schedules 15
BSBFIA302A Process payroll 30
BSBFIA303A Process accounts payable and receivable 60
BSBFIA304A Maintain a general ledger 60
BSBITU302A Create electronic presentations 20
BSBITU303A Design and produce text documents 50
BSBITU304A Produce spreadsheets 25
BSBITU306A Design and produce business documents 60
BSBITU309A Produce desktop published documents 50
BSBWRT301A Write simple documents 30
You may choose electives from this group
Modules/Units Name Hrs
BSBADM301B Produce texts from shorthand notes 140
BSBADM302B Produce texts from notes 40
BSBADM303B Produce texts from audio transcription 30
BSBADM311A Maintain business resources 20
BSBCMM301A Process customer complaints 30
BSBCUS301A Deliver and monitor a service to customers 20
BSBDIV301A Work effectively with diversity 20
BSBFIA301A Maintain financial records 60
BSBINM301A Organise workplace information 20
BSBINM302A Utilise a knowledge management system 40
BSBINM303A Handle receipt and despatch of information 20
BSBINN201A Contribute to workplace innovation 35
BSBINN301A Promote innovation in a team environment 40
BSBITU301A Create and use databases 30
BSBITU305A Conduct online transactions 40
BSBLEG301A Apply knowledge of the legal system to complete tasks 80
BSBLEG302A Carry out search of the public record 15
BSBLEG303A Deliver court documentation 10
BSBLEG304A Apply the principles of confidentiality and security within the legal environment 10
BSBLEG305A Use legal terminology in order to carry out tasks 50
BSBLEG306A Maintain records for time and disbursements in a legal practice 30
BSBLEG308A Assist in prioritising and planning activities in a legal practice 10
BSBMED301B Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately 50
BSBMED302B Prepare and process medical accounts 30
BSBMED303B Maintain patient records 20
BSBMED304B Assist in controlling stocks and supplies 20
BSBMED305B Apply the principles of confidentiality, privacy and security within the medical environment 20
BSBOHS407A Monitor a safe workplace 40
BSBPRO301A Recommend products and services 20
BSBSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices 20
BSBWOR204A Use business technology 20
BSBWOR301A Organise personal work priorities and development 30
BSBWOR302A Work effectively as an offsite worker 25
FNSICGEN305B Maintain daily financial/business records 20
HLTFA301B Apply first aid 15
ICPMM321A Capture a digital image 50
ICPMM322A Edit a digital image 40
PSPGOV301B Work effectively in the organisation 20
PSPGOV302B Contribute to workgroup activities 25
No more than 2 module/units may be completed
Modules/Units Name Hrs
BSBADM401B Produce complex texts from shorthand notes 80
BSBADM405B Organise meetings 20
BSBADM406B Organise business travel 20
BSBADM407B Administer projects 40
BSBADM411A Produce complex texts from audio transcription 60
BSBCMM201A Communicate in the workplace 20
BSBCUS201A Deliver a service to customers 30
BSBFIA401A Prepare financial reports 50
BSBINM201A Process and maintain workplace information 30
BSBINM401A Implement workplace information system 40
BSBITA401A Design databases 60
BSBITU201A Produce simple word processed documents 40
BSBITU202A Create and use spreadsheets 25
BSBITU203A Communicate electronically 20
BSBITU401A Design and develop complex text documents 50
BSBITU402A Develop and use complex spreadsheets 40
BSBITU404A Produce complex desktop published documents 50
BSBMED401B Manage patient record keeping system 30
BSBRES401A Analyse and present research information 40
BSBWRT401A Write complex documents 50
FNSACCT407A Set up and operate a computerised accounting system 54
ICPMM263A Access and use the Internet 20
Group 998 TUTORIAL
Your teacher will tell you if you need to do any modules/units from this group
Modules/Units Name Hrs
9765G Business technical tutorial support 40
You may choose modules/units from this group but they do not count towards course completion
Modules/Units Name Hrs
7370F Practical placement 40
8874B Virtual Enterprise 20
NSWTCOM208A Organise and complete a job application and interview 20