Course description
Key Study Areas
1. Communication, Reading, Writing and employability skills.
2. Literacy, numeracy, individual pathways plan, and project work.
3. "Connect2 General" key study areas communication, project work, and electives from the
Certificate of General Education for Adults (Introductory).
Where • Bendigo (City Campus)
Selection Process • Individual Interview
Up Coming Courses
Campus Start Date End Date Attendance Mode
City Campus 04.02.2008 28.11.2008 Part Time
City Campus 14.07.2008 12.12.2008 Full Time
City Campus 06.09.2008 05.12.2008 Full Time
City Campus 09.10.2008 12.12.2008 Full Time
Employment Opportunities
1. Students will be able to progress to further education or work.
2. Students will be able to progress to further education or to work.
3. Students will be able to progress to further education or to work.
Further Study Options
1. Students can undertake Pre vocational courses, other Certificate I courses, or Foundation VCAL.
2. Students will be assisted to move further along their individual pathway into other courses such as VCAL, Certificate courses , and other study options.
3. Students will be assisted to move further along their individual pathway into other coures such as VCAL, vocational certificate courses, and other study options.
Duration Options
This course is delivered in class, part time.
You will be assessed as part of this course.
Packaging Rules
1. Ten Core Units- Learning plan, project, reading, writing and numeracy. Special interest electives from numeracy, verbal communication, computing, work related or general skills.
2. Thirteen units including literacy, numeracy, individual planning and project work.
Recognition of Prior Learning
Recognition of your current qualifications and prior learning: BRIT has processes to give you credit for relevant units from your prior study, and to assess your prior learning against units in a course.