Key Study Areas
Key study areas include:
* OHS - will prepare you for work and
vocational opportunities
* Orientation to work / Career planning - will help you identify current skills and develop employability skills
* Personal effectiveness - develop your confidence, self esteem and team building
* Investigate a social issue and preparing and presenting information - develop your communication skills while working on a community project
Where • Bendigo (City Campus)
Selection Process • Individual Interview
Up Coming Courses
Campus Start Date End Date Attendance Mode
City Campus 06.10.2008 12.12.2008 Full Time
Employment Opportunities
Upon completion of the program, you may wish to continue with another course of study, or seek employment.
Further Study Options
Students who complete this course will be invited to enter other youth programs at
BRIT, or they may apply to enter any further study option that appeals to them. Students will complete the course with a managed individual pathway plan.
Pathways Courses
Certificate I in General Education for Adults :: 21772VIC
VCAL :: 21352VIC
Work Ed/VCAL :: 21672VIC
You will not be assessed as part of this course.
Packaging Rules
Typical Course Content (exact details may be obtained from the teaching centre)
BSBCMN106A Follow workplace safety procedures
VBK137 Personal Effectiveness
VBK139 Orientation to Work
FPPCOM2A Prepare and present verbal and written workplace information
VBP805 Investigate a social issue
VBH722 Career Studies
Duration Options
The duration of this course is 10 weeks and it will be offered in terms 2, 3, and 4.
Students will attend classes for approximately 3 days a week.