Key Study Areas
Areas covered include:
Wine production
* Manipulating the fermentation process
Wine types and styles
* Safe working practices
* Food safety obligations
* Knowledge of the wine industry.
Where • Bendigo (City Campus)
Duration Options
This course is divided into two half-year sections. In the first half of the year you will be required to attend one whole day per week. In the second half of the year classes are held one evening per week.
Selection Process
• Individual Interview
• Group Interview
Employment Opportunities
On successful completion of this qualification you will be eligible for employment in the
wine industry as a cellar hand.
Further Study Options
A number of short courses covering other aspects of the
wine industry are available, such as
wine evaluation,
wine analysis, cellar door sales and
wine remediation.
On successfully completing this course you may choose to apply for enrolment in the Certificate III in
Food Processing (Wine).
Assessment You will be assessed as part of this course.
Typical Course Content (exact details may be obtained from the teaching centre)
BSBCMN107A Operate A Personal Computer
BSBCMN213A Produce Simple Word Processed Documents
BSBCMN306A Produce Business Documents
FDFCELAFB Prepare and make additions and finings
FDFCELCRPB Operate the crushing process
FDFCELCULA Propagate and maintain wine cultures
FDFCELFERA Perform Fermentation Operations
FDFCELFFPB Operate The Fine Filtration Process
FDFCELGASB Carry out inert gas handling operations
FDFCELHECB Perform heat exchange operations
FDFCELMDA Perform must draining operations
FDFCELOAKB Perform oak handling activities
FDFCELPPB Operate the pressing process
FDFCELTRFB Carry out transfer operations
FDFCELWAXB Prepare and wax tanks
FDFCORBM2A Use basic mathematical concepts
FDFCORFSY1A Follow work procedures to maintain food safety
FDFCORFSY2A Implement the food safety program and procedures
FDFCORHS1A Follow work procedures to maintain health and safety
FDFCORHS2A Implement occupational health and safety systems and procedures
FDFCORQAS1A Follow work procedures to maintain quality
FDFCORQAS2A Implement quality systems and procedures
FDFCORWCM1A Communicate workplace information
FDFCORWCM2A Present and apply workplace information
FDFWGGCBAB Apply chemicals and biological agents
FDFWGGCCMA Coordinate canopy management activities
FDFWGGCHAB Coordinate crop harvesting activities
FDFWGGCMBB Carry out basic canopy maintenance
FDFWGGCMSB Operate specialised canopy management equipment
FDFWGGDURB Dig up rootlings
FDFWGGFGVB Field graft vines
FDFWGGHPVB Hand prune vines
FDFWGGISB Operate the irrigation system
FDFWGGISMB Undertake irrigation systems maintenance activities
FDFWGGMHB Operate a mechanical harvester
FDFWGGPGHB Pick grapes by hand
FDFWGGPVCB Process vine cuttings
FDFWGGPVHB Plant vines by hand
FDFWGGPVRB Process vine rootlings
FDFWGGSMPB Implement a soil management program
FDFWGGTVB Train vines
FDFWGGVCB Take vine cuttings
FDFWGGVEQB Operate vineyard equipment
FDFWIUINDB Perform effectively in the workplace (induction)
FDFZCSCIP2A Clean equipment in place
FDFZCSCS2A Clean And Sanitise Equipment
TDTD1097B Operate A Forklift
TDTD397A Handle dangerous and hazardous goods
Recognition of Prior Learning
Recognition of your current qualifications and prior learning:
BRIT has processes to give you credit for relevant units from your prior study, and to assess your prior learning against units in a course.