Key Study Areas
Key study areas include:
* Handling horses safely
* Horse health, care and nutrition
Equine anatomy
Working effectively in the
racing industry
* Basic driving
* Occupational health and safety
* Leadership
Duration Options
Full time study over a minimum 18 weeks, depending on prior knowledge and experience. Arrangements can also be made for part time study over a longer period of time. The course is delivered at Junortoun.
It is also offered as a work based traineeship.
Selection Process • Individual Interview
Employment Opportunities
On successfully completing this course you will be eligible for employment as a
stablehand working independently in professional stables with limited supervision. You will have the opportunity to use your own judgement, interpret information, apply solutions to various problems and be responsible for your own inputs.
There is a constant demand for skilled workers in the racing industry. Opportunities exist throughout Australia, North America and New Zealand for competent workers wishing to travel.
Further Study Options
Students can continue their studies through Certificate IV qualifications in training or driving.
You will be assessed as part of this course.
Typical Course Content (exact details may be obtained from the teaching centre)
RGRH205A Perform basic riding or driving tasks
RGRH206A Apply Occupational Health and Safety procedures in horse codes
RGRH207A Handle horses safely
RGRH208A Work effectively in the thoroughbred or standardbred code of the
racing industry
RGRH209A Care for horses
RGRH310A Oversee safe handling of horses
RGRH311A Apply Principles Of Basic Anatomy And Physiology To Horses
RGRH312A Lead and co-ordinate personnel effectively in the
racing industry
RGRH317A Maintain horses in a healthy state and safe environment
RGRH318A Determine Nutritional Requirements For Standardbreds Or Thoroughbreds
RGRH319A Assess health and first aid for standardbreds or thoroughbreds
RGRH420A Plan training and racing programs for standardbreds or thoroughbreds
Recognition of Prior Learning
Recognition of your current qualifications and prior learning:
BRIT has processes to give you credit for relevant units from your prior study, and to assess your prior learning against units in a course.