Course - Certificate IV in Ageing Support ((CHC43015)

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Comments about Course - Certificate IV in Ageing Support ((CHC43015) - On Campus - Melbourne - Victoria

  • Objectives
    Work effectively with older people

    Provide support to people living with dementia

    Work effectively in the community sector

    Support individual health and emotional well being

    Deliver care services using a palliative approach

    Recognise healthy body systems in a health care context

    Provide services to older people with complex needs (Note prerequisite CHCAC318BM)

    Facilitate support responsive to the specific nature of dementia

    Implement interventions with older people at risk of falls

    Advocate for clients

    Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework

    Facilitate support for personal care needs

    Facilitate individualised plans

    Coordinate information systems

    Facilitate links with other services

    Supervise work

    Use targeted communication skills to build relationships

    Provide support and care relating to loss and grief

    Support client self-management

    Follow WHS safety procedures for direct care work

    Confirm physical health status
  • Practical experience
    300 hours of work based training
  • Entry requirements
    Entry requirements:

    For Domestic Students who are Citizens or Australian permanent resident:

    - Completion of Year 11.

    - Sufficient Literacy and Numeracy(LLN).

    - Applicant must also be aged 18 or above.

    Applicants with no formal qualifications and who are commencing within or have experience within a relevant business industry may also be considered for entry into the course.

    For International Students who want to study on Student VISA:

    - Successful completion of Year 12 or the equivalent level of study.

    - Minimum English level of IELTS 5.5 or equivalent.

    - Applicant must be 18 years of age or above.
  • Academic title
    Qualification Certificate
  • Course description
    This qualification addresses work, primarily, in residential facilities within defined organisation guidelines and service plans.

    These workers:

        Carry out activities related to maintaining an individual's well being through personal care and/or other activities of living
        May provide services to individuals with complex needs, and/or work with groups of older people. Work may include training and support to promote independence and community participation, which may be provided as part of activities and programs in a variety of settings including residential and centre-based programs
        Report to service managers and liaise with professionals and other service providers
        May be required to supervise and/or coordinate a limited number of other workers.

Other programs related to health education

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