Certificate IV in Financial Services (Accounting)

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Comments about Certificate IV in Financial Services (Accounting) - On Campus - Broadmeadows - Victoria

  • Objectives
    This course is designed to prepare you with the skills to work in the Accounting Industry
  • Course description
    Course modules


    Module Code      Module Title    Nominal Hours
    FNSACCT401B    Process Business Tax Requirements    50
    FNSACCT402B    Produce Job Costing Information    40
    FNSACCT403B    Prepare Operational Budgets    40
    FNSACCT404B    Make Decisions in a Legal Context    60
    FNSACCT405B    Prepare Financial Statements    60
    FNSACCT406B    Maintain Asset and Inventory Records    30
    FNSICIND401B    Apply Principles of Professional Practice to Work in The Financial  Services Industry    30


    Module Code    Module Title    Nominal Hours
    FNSACCT407B    Set Up and Operate a Computerised Accounting System    80
    FNSBKPG404A    Carry Out Business Activity and Instalment Activity Statement Tasks    40
    FNSICORG517B    Prepare Financial Forecasts and Projections    70

    What employment opportunities will I have?

    You may apply for positions that require basic bookkeeping or accountancy skills in large or small organisations.

    What skills will I have when I complete this course?

    You will gain skills in accounting procedures enabling you to obtain employment in bookkeeping or accounting related areas under the supervision of an accountant.

    What qualifications will I receive?

    On successful completion of the course you will be awarded the Certificate IV in Financial Services (Accounting). As part of the Australian Qualifications Framework this program is nationally recognised.

    What opportunities for further studies will I have?

    On successful completion of the Certificate IV, further studies in Diploma and Advanced Diploma of Accounting.  Upon completion of your Advanced Diploma of Accounting you may apply to universities to study a Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Business, or similar course.

    Note:  Kangan Institute students are able to take advantage of the 'pathways' arrangement with Victoria University that guarantees acceptance into a Bachelor of Business course upon completion of the Advanced Diploma of Accounting.  Students can obtain credits equivalent to 1.5 years study towards the degree if all requirements are met.

    Can I apply?

    You may apply if you have satisfactorily completed VCE; or an approved equivalent course and the satisfactory completion of the work requirements (eligibility to transfer); or are mature age and have sufficient work experience to successfully undertake the course. Mature age is anyone over the age of 18 who has been out of full-time education for more than 12 months.

    How do I apply?

    Full-time applicants for the course may apply through VTAC (Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre) using the VTAC Online Application. Direct entry is also available for full time and part time enrolments in this course. This course has a mid-year intake.

    How will I be selected for this course?

    VTAC selection is based on the ENTER score where applicable.   All applicants will be required to attend an interview and enrolment session.  You may also be required to sit a literacy and numeracy test.

    How long is the course?

    The length of this course is determined by your previous formal studies, work and life experience. If you have completed the Certificate III in Financial Services this course will be six months full-time or one to three years part-time depending on the number of units undertaken in any one semester.

    Where and how can I study?

    The course is offered at the Broadmeadows campus both full-time and part-time during the day or in the evening.

    How will I be assessed?
    A mixture of practical tutorials, project work, presentations, written tests and case studies will be used in assessing this course. Assessment is a necessary part of this program, to show that you have achieved the skills and knowledge set out in the competency standards. You will be informed in advance about the assessment procedures and criteria. There will also be opportunity for appeal and reassessment and you will be provided with this information on commencement of classes.

    Additional comments

    Normally students commence study at the Certificate III level and continue onto Certificate IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma. Students can exit their studies after completion of any of the levels, i.e. Certificate III, Certificate IV, Diploma or Advanced Diploma.

    What will I study?
    The units you will study are: Apply principles of professional practice to work in the financial services industry; Process business tax requirements; Produce job costing information; Prepare operational budgets; Make decisions within a legal context; Prepare financial statements; Maintain asset and inventory records; Set up and operate a computerised accounting system; Carry out business activity and instalment activity statement tasks; Prepare financial forecasts and projections

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