Comments about Conservation and Land Management (Indigenous Land Management) Certificate III (NRT) - Armidale Campus - On Campus - Armidale - New South Wales
Entry requirements
This course is for people who work, or want to work at a skilled operator level in Indigenous land management or natural resource management, especially in an outdoors environment.
Academic title
Conservation and Land Management (Indigenous Land Management) Certificate III (NRT) - Armidale Campus
Course description
Group 1
All module/units must be completed
Modules/Units Name Hrs
RTC2701A Follow OHS procedures 15
RTC2702A Observe environmental work practices 15
RTC2705A Work effectively in the industry 10
RTC2801A Participate in workplace communications 10
RTC3701A Respond to emergencies 30
RTD3802A Provide appropriate information on cultural knowledge 60
RTD3817A Propose appropriate uses of traditional customs 40
RTD3903A Work in an Indigenous community or organisation 50
THTFTG08B Interpret aspects of local Australian indigenous culture 18
THTFTG14A Prepare specialised interpretive content (cultural and heritage environments) 30
Group 2
At least 1 module/unit must be completed
Modules/Units Name Hrs
RTC3213A Implement property improvement, construction and repair 40
RTC3704A Prepare and apply chemicals 15
RTD3034A Implement revegetation works 40
RTD3505A Maintain natural areas 20
Group 3
No more than 4 module/units may be completed
Modules/Units Name Hrs
BSBCMN306A Produce business documents 40
FPINCR034A Utilise burning for natural & cultural resource management 20
RTC3201A Conduct operational inspection of park facilities 30
RTC3211A Implement a maintenance program for an aquatic environment 50
RTD3501A Assist in the implementation of legislation 25
RTD3814A Present proposed courses of action to meeting 20
Group 4
No more than 2 module/units may be completed
Modules/Units Name Hrs
FPICOT2204A Maintain chainsaws 16
FPICOT2206A Cross cut materials with a hand-held chainsaw 30
FPICOT2221A Trim and cross cut felled trees 40
HLTFA301B Apply first aid 15
RTC2005A Fell small trees 20
RTC2304A Operate and maintain chainsaws 30
RTC2309A Operate tractors 30
RTC3016A Provide information on plants and their culture 50
RTC3218A Undertake a site assessment 40
RTC3705A Transport, handle and store chemicals 15
RTD3132A Survey pest animals 40
RTD3502A Carry out inspection of designated area 30
RTD4502A Implement land and sea management practices 70
RTE2308A Operate ride-on vehicles 20
RTF4003A Plan a plant establishment program 40
You may choose modules/units from this group but they do not count towards course completion
Modules/Units Name Hrs
NSWTHAZ201A Use hazardous substances safely 15
NSWTHAZ301A Manage residues in product 20
You may choose modules/units from this group but they do not count towards course completion
Modules/Units Name Hrs
3485D Cultural protocols 10
5599GA Vocational experience 1 40