Course - Graphics Design and Desktop Publishing

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Comments about Course - Graphics Design and Desktop Publishing - On Campus - Sydney - New South Wales

  • Course description
    Course Units


    1          Learning the Basics

    2          Tools and Workplace

    3          Raw Materials

    4          Printing and Prepress

    5          Digital Illustration

    6          Advanced Digital Illustration

    7          Design and Typography

    8          Desktop Publishing

    9          Web Design

    10        Design and Marketing


    Career Prospects           

    Graphic designers and desktop publishers need to be imaginative and creative. They should understand form and colour and be able to use their artistic abilities to draw and design. They should also possess technical skills, particularly in using computers and design software. Employers also seek applicants with good communication skills, has the ability to work under pressure and able to meet deadlines.

    You can work in an advertising agency or in any business firm that has a need for such service. There is also an option to establish a freelance career. Plenty of jobs exist in digital design companies and in-house print companies but the freelance sector is enjoying enormous growth too. Employment opportunities in this industry are on steady increase specifically for jobs in the digital medium.

    Graphics Design & Desktop Publishing offers a challenging environment for skilled hands and creative minds. Prepare for a satisfying and rewarding career as a graphic designer or desktop publisher.

    Study Mode

    This entire course is carried out via Distance Learning (also known as correspondence learning). Distance learning is ideal if you need to adapt around work, family, or other commitments. It is also extremely beneficial should you simply wish to fast track your studies (and career) and not be locked into a timetable.

    Places are limited, in demand and entry into the course is on a first come first served basis.


        * Free up valuable time, don't wast time and money travelling to classes
        * Study at your own pace whenever and wherever you are
        * Study a course that was designed in consultation with the industry
        * Have access to a tutor who works in the industry you are training for
        * Easy interest free payment plans from as low as $49 per week

    How to obtain more information & apply?

    For more information about this course please enquire via the enquiry form now.

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