Course in Minimising the Risks in the Use of 1080 Pest Animal Bait

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Comments about Course in Minimising the Risks in the Use of 1080 Pest Animal Bait - On Campus - Bendigo - Victoria

  • Objectives
    This course aims to provide 1080 pest animal bait users with the knowledge, skills and competency to use 1080 pest animal bait products in a manner which is both safe for themselves and the environment. The course also aims to ensure bait end users understand that the use of 1080 pest animal bait products is only one element of an integrated pest animal management strategy.
  • Entry requirements
    All particiapnts must have one of the following: * successfully completed the units of competence: RTC2706A Apply chemicals under supervision RTC3704A Prepare and apply chemicals * successfully completed a Farm Chemical Users Course or course of study which the DPI consider to be equivalent for the purpose of issuing an ACUP. * is the holder of a valid Commercial Operators Licence (COL) with vermin destroyer endorsement or a valid Licence to Use Pesticides (LTUP) with authorisation to control pest animals Other Entry Requirements Basic literacy and numeracy
  • Academic title
    Course in Minimising the Risks in the Use of 1080 Pest Animal Bait
  • Course description
    Key Study Areas      

    Key study areas include:

        * preparation and planning
        * purchasing bait products
        * implementing a baiting program
        * post baiting processes

    • Bendigo (Charleston Road Campus)
    • Castlemaine Campus
    • Echuca Campus
    • Kerang Campus
    • Kyneton Campus
    • Maryborough Campus

    Selection Process    
    • No Selection Process Required

    Employment Opportunities     

    This course could be useful for people wishing to gain emlpoyment:

        * in pest animal control
        * coordinate pest animal control programs for example, with Landcare groups or
        * as part of a job role for land managers for example, working on farms

    Further Study Options    

    The Diploma of Sustainable Agriculture or the Certificate IV and Diploma in Conservation and Land Management.

    Pathways Courses    
    Certificate III in Conservation and Land Management :: RTD30102
    Certificate IV in Conservation and Land Management :: RTD40102
    Diploma of Sustainable Agriculture :: 21704VIC


    You will not be assessed as part of this course.

    Typical Course Content     (exact details may be obtained from the teaching centre)
    VBQU736     Implement the legislative requirements for the use of 1080 pest animal bait product

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