Diploma in Modern Languages (Italian)

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Carly Brooke

Carly Brooke

Diploma in Modern Languages (Italian)

  • Study mode
    The Diploma in Modern Languages (Italian) is taught on campus.
  • Program rating
    Students who take Italian will aquire a mastery of the language similar to a student who has majored in a language. The Diploma of Modern Languages in Italian however, is taken in conjunction with an undergraduate degree from the university. Italian culture and history will also be taught when studying the diploma.
  • Aimed at
    Students taking a heritage undergradute degree who have an interest in learning Italian.
  • Employability
    Employability for Arts graduates is broad, and depending on the area of specialisation students can work in fields ranging from communications to cultural services and tourism.
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Comments about Diploma in Modern Languages (Italian) - On Campus - Parkville - Victoria

  • Entry requirements
    Students who are currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree course at the University of Melbourne.
  • Academic title
    Diploma in Modern Languages (Italian)
  • Course description
    The Diploma in Modern Languages (DML) enables students to gain a diploma in language study while completing an undergraduate degree at the University of Melbourne. The diploma consists of a three-year sequence of first-, second- and third-year language study and adds one year to the duration of your degree course. You take language subjects alongside your degree subjects in an integrated sequence. The diploma will only be awarded on the completion of your degree course. Students who do not commence the Diploma concurrently with the first year of their degree studies may not be able to complete the Diploma at the same time as the degree. Students enrolled in the DML must complete the course before, or at the same time as their concurrent degree.

    Students wishing to undertake an honours or postgraduate diploma program on completion of the DML (100 points) should note that they are required to complete the equivalent of a BA language major (112.5 points) before being eligible for entry to a fourth year level program.

    Diploma graduates with the equivalent of a BA language major must have completed a BA degree to be eligible to apply for the BA (Honours), otherwise they may apply to enter the postgraduate diploma.

    At the completion of the Diploma, students should:

        *have acquired a mastery of both oral/aural and writing/reading skills comparable to that of a student majoring in a language discipline;
        *have gained a basic understanding of selected aspects of the culture (or cultures) and of the society (or societies) associated with the language.

    Course Structure & Available Subjects:    

    The Diploma consists of a three-year sequence of study in Italian language, totalling 100 points. The language subjects will be taken concurrently with an undergraduate degree in an integrated sequence and will normally add one year to the duration of a student's degree course.

    It is the student's responsibility to ensure that s/he meets the requirements of the Diploma by enrolling in the correct number of subjects at the appropriate year level and within the rules outlined for the relevant language stream of the DML.

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