Doctor of Business Administration

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  • Objectives
    The Doctor of Business Administration is designed to provide students with an advanced understanding of key business disciplines and research methodologies relevant to business. It also aims to develop critical thinking and the ability to apply theoretical understanding and research results to business problems. It will develop advanced research skills and the ability to communicate research outcomes, improve professional practice in a range of business disciplines and provide students with the opportunity to pursue individual research projects.
  • Entry requirements
    The admission requirements for the course reflect the pathway guideline for doctoral degrees prescribed by the Australian Qualifications Framework. They require that an applicant have all of the following: * A Bachelor degree with first or upper-second class honours (or equivalent) or a Masters degree; * At least 5 years work experience in a managerial or professional role; and * Demonstrated ability to conduct doctoral level research.
  • Academic title
    Doctor of Business Administration
  • Course description
    Career opportunities
    The Doctor of Business Administration will provide students with an advanced understanding of key business disciplines and research methodologies relevant to business and improve professional practice in a range of business disciplines.

    Course rules
    The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a 24 credit point professional doctoral degree taken over three years of full-time study (or part-time equivalent). Students are required to complete eight core coursework units, four core research training units and a core research thesis worth 12 credit points.

    Research information
    The Doctor of Business Administration is designed for experienced senior managers who wish to develop their analytical, managerial and research skills and hence their ability to operate in business.  Through independent study and supervised research it will also enhance students' ability to pursue original research and present the results of that research in an appropriate form.  As a professional doctorate, the DBA in its coursework and research components is oriented towards the needs of business professionals and designed to improve professional practice in a range of business disciplines.

    Course structure

    Stage 1

    MPA951 Financial Reporting and Analysis  


    MPT951/MPR951 Financial Reporting and Analysis (Residential)  *#

    MPE981 Economics for Managers  

    MPT953/MPF953 Finance  #

    MPR932/MPK932 Marketing Management  *

    MPR906/MPM906 Strategic Management  *

    MPR921/MPM921 Organisational Behaviour  *

    MPT935/MPM935 International Business Management  #

    Plus one unit from:

    MPC941 IT Strategy and Management  

    MPR922/MPT922 Human Resource Management  *#

    MPM922 Human Resource Management  


    *MPR denotes residential version of unit

    #MPT code denotes study tour version of unit


    Students precluded from any Stage 1 unit above will be required to choose alternative units from the following list:

    MPA911 Corporate Governance and Ethics  

    MPE907 International Banking and Finance  

    MPK936 International Marketing  

    MPR905 Entrepreneurship (Residential)  

    MPR907 Change Management (Residential)  


    Stage 2

    MPD911 Research Design  

    MPD912 Research Methods  

    MPD913 Corporate Strategy: Theory and Practice  

    MPD914 Current Issues in Business Research  


    Stage 3

    Doctoral Research Thesis (12 credit points)

    Admission requirements - specific
    The admission requirements for the course reflect the pathway guideline for doctoral degrees prescribed by the Australian Qualifications Framework.  They require that an applicant have all of the following:

        * A Bachelor degree with first or upper-second class honours (or equivalent) or a Masters degree;
        * At least 5 years work experience in a managerial or professional role; and
        * Demonstrated ability to conduct doctoral level research.

    Selection criteria
    Admission and selection will be undertaken via normal procedures and in line with University Policy and Procedure and Faculty Rules.  Application for admission to the DBA will require:

        * Transcripts of results for previously completed studies;
        * A resume' outlining the nature and extent of the applicant's business experience relevant to admission;
        * Confidential reports from two referees able to comment on the applicant's ability to undertake research;
        * A letter of application outlining the reasons for wishing to undertake the DBA, demonstrated ability to undertake research or write substantial material and the proposed research topic; and
        * Evidence of proficiency in the English language.

    An interview (by phone for non-residents) may be required to confirm the suitability of some applicants.

    The proposed Course Committee comprising the Associate Dean (Research) and the Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning), the DBA Course Director, a representative from the Higher Degrees by Research Committee and a representative of Academic Board will undertake the admission and selection of applicants.

    Advanced standing - specific
    Students are advised to contact the Faculty for information regarding applying for credit for prior tertiary study and to visit the Faculty of Business and Law advanced standing web site which outlines possible advanced standing which may be granted.

    How to apply
    Applicants must apply via Deakin Business School

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