Graduate Certificate in Health Administration

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Comments about Graduate Certificate in Health Administration - On Campus - Bedford Park - South Australia

  • Objectives
    The course aims to provide students who are working in health, whatever their professional background, with the opportunity to acquire deeper knowledge and enhanced skills in health management. The course builds on the students' current workplace experience and promotes the application of management theories to existing problems. This strong industry focus is aimed at delivering direct benefits to students through knowledge and to workplaces through its application. The Graduate Certificate will introduce students to some core competencies, successful completion of which will better equip them to carry out management tasks and allow them to proceed to further graduate level coursework. Learning outcomes At the completion of the course, students are expected to be able to: * apply their skills and abilities to the solution of management problems; * analyse and critically discuss financial and personnel management matters; * exercise a deeper understanding of the policy and dynamics that drive change in health care; and * make decisions about their pathways for further postgraduate studies.
  • Entry requirements
    Applicants must normally hold an approved degree or equivalent qualification from an approved tertiary institution and have not less than two years' professional experience in the health sector following completion of the degree or equivalent qualification. However, the Faculty Board may, under certain circumstances and subject to specific conditions, admit others who can show evidence of fitness for candidature. Credit may be granted for comparable prior studies.
  • Academic title
    Graduate Certificate in Health Administration
  • Course description
    The Graduate Certificate in Health Administration is an 18-unit program offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences on a fee-paying basis.

    The course articulates with the Graduate Diploma in Health Administration, the Master of Health Administration and the Master of Science (Health Administration), and the sequentially developed topics allow progression through the four awards.

    PROGRAM OF STUDY  [November, 2008]

    To qualify for the Graduate Certificate in Health Administration, a student must complete 18 units from the topics below with a grade of Pass or NGP or better in each topic.

    Core topics


    Managing People and Organisations in Health and Aged Care



    Health Care Financial Management

    plus one of the following (or, with the approval of the course coordinator, another appropriate 6-unit graduate-level topic):


    Major Project in Rural Health Management



    Health Systems and Health Policy



    Health Economics and Resource Allocations



    Risk Management and Clinical Governance



    Health Services Law



    Managing Communications and Partnerships


    Except with permission of the Faculty Board, the program must be completed full-time in one semester or part-time in three consecutive semesters.

    International students may negotiate a different combination of topics in consultation with the course coordinator.

    Note: Students who commenced the Graduate Certificate in Health (Health Service Management) award prior to 2008 and who complete the award after the award name change can choose to take their award as either the Graduate Certificate in Health (Health Service Management) or the Graduate Certificate in Health Administration.

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