Graduate Diploma in Tourism (Biodiversity)

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Comments about Graduate Diploma in Tourism (Biodiversity) - On Campus - Bedford Park - South Australia

  • Objectives
    The course aims to meet the professional development needs of graduates with an interest in tourism. It aims to further increase the understanding of the theoretical and practical skills, acquired during the Graduate Certificate in Tourism, that are required to develop appropriate depth of understanding of issues in tourism and to develop appropriate management strategies in the areas of Biodiversity, Festival and Event Design and Management, and Interpretation*. The Biodiversity stream is a collaborative program from Cultural Tourism and Ecotourism and is aimed at students with an interest in sustainable tourism and interpretation. It is aimed at developing knowledge of the scientific method, applied research skills in science, and knowledge of particular groups of organisms and/or ecosystems. Coursework will be jointly taught for the components on interpretation. The science topics will be delivered through the Faculty of Science and Engineering, with an emphasis on basic theory and practical field skills. This course will cover the concepts, techniques and implementation of interpretation, as well as biodiversity assessment and conservation strategies. Learning outcomes On completion of their degree, students will have developed a comprehensive and well-founded knowledge in their discipline and a range of transferable professional skills. Subject knowledge - Biodiversity Graduates of the course are expected to be able to: * demonstrate knowledge of particular groups of organisms and/or ecosystems; * be familiar with concepts, techniques and implementation strategies for interpretation ; and * employ skills in biodiversity assessment and conservation strategy. Transferable professional skills Graduates of the course are expected to be able to: * employ scientific methodologies such as experimental design, and the critical analysis of data; * communicate and present information clearly and fluently in both written and spoken forms; * interact effectively as part of a team in order to work towards a common outcome; * work and learn independently; * reason critically and logically and make independent judgements; * engage effectively with information and communication technologies; * demonstrate research skills appropriate for further study and employment; and * appreciate the need for continuing professional development. * Not offered in 2009.
  • Entry requirements
    Applicants must normally hold a Graduate Certificate in Tourism (Interpretation) or equivalent qualification from an approved tertiary institution. However, the Faculty Board may, under certain circumstances, and subject to specific conditions, admit others who can show evidence of fitness for candidature. Applicants for the Biodiversity stream who do not hold the Graduate Certificate in Tourism (Interpretation) must normally hold an approved Bachelor degree or equivalent from an approved tertiary institution which includes a major in Biological Sciences, or Tourism, or a related discipline (eg hospitality, marketing etc). Students without any previous tertiary study in Biological Sciences must enrol in BIOD8016 Animal and Plant Diversity, and the topic may be counted towards their award. CREDIT Students who have successfully completed the Graduate Certificate in Tourism may be eligible to receive 18 units of credit towards the Graduate Diploma in Tourism.
  • Academic title
    Graduate Diploma in Tourism (Biodiversity)
  • Course description
    The Graduate Diploma in Tourism is a 36-unit course which is part of the Graduate Program in Tourism offered by the Faculty of Education, Humanities, Law and Theology.

    The Biodiversity stream is offered by the Faculty of Science and Engineering in partnership with the Faculty of Education, Humanities, Law and Theology.

    The course is offered on a fee-paying basis and may be taken over two semesters full-time, or the equivalent part-time.

    The Graduate Diploma in Tourism articulates with the 18-unit Graduate Certificate in Tourism and the 72-unit Master of Tourism.

    PROGRAM OF STUDY  [November, 2008]

    To meet the requirements of the Biodiversity stream, students must complete the following topics:

    (a) 18 units comprising:


    Essentials of Interpretation



    Interpretation Practice



    Applied Interpretation


    and (b) at least 6 units from:


    Conservation Biology and Restoration Ecology



    Advanced Community Ecology


    plus 12 units selected from:


    Ecotourism: Principles and Practice



    Advanced Vertebrate Palaeontology



    Advanced Community Ecology



    Australian Floral Diversity



    Biodiversity Research Project



    Animal and Plant Biodiversity



    Conservation Biology and Restoration Ecology



    Research Methods


Other programs related to leisure / tourism

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