Comments about Graduate Diploma of Games Programming - On Campus - Perth - WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Western Australia
Provides graduates in computer science and related fields to expand their skills and knowledge of programming for games, simulation and visualisation. Input, network, and sound programming will be covered, along with detailing design and production issues of video games and a project.
Entry requirements
Undergraduate degree in computer science or related fields which includes significant programming content OR at least five years appropriate experience.
Academic title
Graduate Diploma of Games Programming
Course description
Related careers
Games Designer
This course is available for on-campus study by students with an International student visa.
This course structure contains information about the units which comprise the course as well as the credit points required to successfully complete it.
The course consists of eight units and requires two semesters of full-time study or part-time equivalent. Students need 120 credit points to graduate.
Unit Description Points
Semester 1
CSD5101 Computer Graphics Methods 15
CSD5102 Computer Graphics Programming 15
CSP5105 Introduction to 3D Game Programming 15
CSP5104 Games Design and Production 15
Semester 2
CSP5106 Advanced 3D Programming 15
CSD5206 Game Enhancement Technologies 15
CSG5114 Intelligent Systems 15
CSG5115 Applied IT Project 15