Course description
At least 1 module/unit must be completed
Modules/Units Name Hrs National Module(s)
RTC1006A Support nursery work 20
RTC1201A Maintain the workplace 10
RTC1202A Support landscape work 20
RTC1301A Operate basic machinery and equipment 20
RTC1302A Assist with routine maintenance of machinery and equipment 20
RTC1701A Follow basic chemical safety rules 5
RTC1801A Prepare for work 10
RTC2701A Follow OHS procedures 15
RTD1501A Support natural area conservation 20
RTE1005A Support horticultural production 20
RTE1601A Support irrigation work 20
RTF1002A Support arboricultural work 20
RTF1003A Support turf work 20
RTF1004A Support gardening work 20
RTF1007A Support floricultural production 20
At least 1 module/unit must be completed
Modules/Units Name Hrs National Module(s)
RTC2005A Fell small trees 20
RTC2012A Plant trees and shrubs 20
RTC2016A Recognise plants 20
RTC2026A Undertake propagation activities 20
RTC2203A Conduct visual inspection of park facilities 20
RTC2209A Install, maintain and repair fencing 20
RTC2210A Maintain properties and structures 20
RTC2301A Undertake operational maintenance of machinery 30
RTC2304A Operate and maintain chainsaws 30
RTC2306A Operate vehicles 30
RTC2307A Operate machinery and equipment 30
RTC2309A Operate tractors 30
RTC2401A Treat weeds 30
RTC2404A Treat plant pests, diseases and disorders 20
RTC2701A Follow OHS procedures 15
RTC2702A Observe environmental work practices 15
RTC2704A Provide basic first aid 10
RTC2705A Work effectively in the industry 10
RTC2706A Apply chemicals under supervision 15
RTC2801A Participate in workplace communications 10
RTD2004A Collect, prepare and preserve plant specimens 20
RTD2022A Carry out natural area restoration works 30
RTD2202A Conduct erosion and sediment control activities 20
RTD2206A Install aggregate paths 20
RTD2312A Inspect machinery for plant, animal and soil material 15
RTD2313A Clean machinery of plant, animal and soil material 15
RTD2402A Clear features that harbour pest animals 20
RTE2003A Carry out postharvest operations 20
RTE2006A Carry out basic canopy maintenance 20
RTE2010A Establish horticultural crops 20
RTE2018A Regulate crops 20
RTE2021A Support horticultural crop harvesting 20
RTE2028A Undertake field budding and grafting 20
RTE2205A Fabricate and repair metal or plastic structures 20
RTE2308A Operate ride-on vehicles 20
RTE2503B Observe and report on weather 20
RTE2601A Assist with the operation of gravity fed irrigation 20
RTE2602A Assist with the operation of pressurised irrigation systems 20
RTE2603A Lay irrigation and/or drainage pipes 20
RTE2604A Maintain drainage systems 20
RTE2605A Maintain gravity fed irrigation systems 20
RTE2606A Maintain pressurised irrigation systems 20
RTE2607A Install micro-irrigation systems 20
RTE2707B Follow site quarantine procedures 20
RTE2902B Collect and record production data 20
RTF2001A Apply a range of treatments to trees 30
RTF2008A Maintain indoor plants 20
RTF2009A Perform above ground pruning 20
RTF2013A Pot-on plants 20
RTF2014A Prepare and maintain plant displays 20
RTF2015A Prepare turf surfaces for play 30
RTF2017A Prune shrubs and small trees 30
RTF2019A Renovate grassed areas 20
RTF2020A Assist with turf construction 20
RTF2023A Support turf establishment 30
RTF2024A Tend nursery plants 20
RTF2025A Transplant small trees 15
RTF2027A Undertake standard climbing techniques 20
RTF2204A Construct low-profile timber or modular retaining walls 30
RTF2207A Protect trees during construction work 20
RTF2208A Lay paving 30
RTF2211A Prepare a grave site 10
RTF2215A Assist with landscape construction work 30
RTF2311A Undertake stump removal 10
RTF2504A Determine basic properties of soil/growing media 25
At least 1 module/unit must be completed
Modules/Units Name Hrs National Module(s)
HLTFA301B Apply first aid 15
NSWTHAZ301A Manage residues in product 20
RTC3016A Provide information on plants and their culture 50
RTC3201A Conduct operational inspection of park facilities 30
RTC3206A Erect timber structures and features 40
RTC3211A Implement a maintenance program for an aquatic environment 50
RTC3218A Undertake a site assessment 40
RTC3310A Operate specialised machinery and equipment 40
RTC3401A Control weeds 40
RTC3404A Control plant pests, diseases and disorders 40
RTC3701A Respond to emergencies 30
RTC3704A Prepare and apply chemicals 15
RTC3705A Transport, handle and store chemicals 15
RTC3805A Coordinate work site activities 40
RTD3034A Implement revegetation works 40
RTE3002A Co-ordinate a crop regulation program 30
RTE3003A Coordinate horticultural crop harvesting 30
RTE3013A Implement a postharvest program 30
RTE3030A Harvest horticultural crops mechanically 30
RTE3305A Install and terminate extra low voltage wiring systems 30
RTE3307A Coordinate machinery and equipment maintenance and repair 30
RTE3506A Monitor weather conditions 30
RTE3601A Install irrigation systems 30
RTE3603A Install drainage systems 30
RTE3604A Troubleshoot drainage systems 30
RTE3605A Troubleshoot irrigation systems 30
RTE3607A Measure irrigation delivery system performance 30
RTE3611A Operate pressurised irrigation systems 30
RTE3612A Implement a maintenance program for an irrigation system 30
RTE3713A Carry out workplace OHS procedures 30
RTE3714A Maintain and monitor environmental work practices 30
RTE3801A Provide on-job training support 30
RTE3819A Process customer complaints 30
RTE3904A Keep records for a primary production business 40
RTE3907A Use hand-held e-business tools 40
RTF3001A Construct turf playing surfaces 40
RTF3004A Implement a grassed area maintenance program 30
RTF3005A Deliver and promote sales of plants 30
RTF3007A Fell large trees 40
RTF3010A Establish turf 40
RTF3011A Implement a plant establishment program 40
RTF3012A Implement a plant nutrition program 30
RTF3014A Implement a propagation plan 50
RTF3015A Implement a tree maintenance program 30
RTF3017A Implement a tree pruning program 40
RTF3018A Implement a tree transplanting program 30
RTF3019A Remove trees in confined spaces 40
RTF3020A Install and maintain interior plant displays 40
RTF3021A Maintain nursery plants 40
RTF3023A Monitor turf health 30
RTF3025A Prepare specialised plants 40
RTF3026A Receive and dispatch plants and other nursery products 20
RTF3027A Renovate sports turf 30
RTF3028A Perform specialist amenity pruning 30
RTF3031A Undertake complex tree climbing 40
RTF3032A Install cable and bracing 20
RTF3033A Implement a maintenance program for hydroponic systems 40
RTF3035A Implement a tree protection program 30
RTF3036A Plan and establish plant displays 40
RTF3203A Construct brick and/or block structures and features 40
RTF3204A Construct concrete structures and features 40
RTF3207A Implement a landscape maintenance program 30
RTF3208A Install metal structures and features 30
RTF3215A Install hydroponic systems 40
RTF3216A Install water features 30
RTF3217A Set out site for construction works 40
RTF3219A Construct stone structures and features 40
RTF3220A Implement a paving project 30
RTF3221A Implement a retaining wall project 40
RTF3503A Sample soils and analyse results 40
RTF3510A Design and prepare growing media 30
RTF3702A Undertake aerial rescue 60
WRRCS3B Interact with customers 36
WRRM3B Co-ordinate merchandise presentation 36
WRRS2B Advise on products and services 27
At least 1 module/unit must be completed
Modules/Units Name Hrs National Module(s)
BSBCMN405A Analyse and present research information 30
RTC4024A Recommend plants and cultural practices 70
RTC4206A Supervise landscape project works 60
RTC4306A Supervise maintenance of machinery and equipment 50
RTC4701A Implement and monitor the enterprise OHS program 15
RTC4702A Minimise risks in the use of chemicals 25
RTC4703A Plan and implement a chemical use program 25
RTC4905A Cost a project 40
RTC4908A Supervise work routines and staff performance 40
RTC4911A Operate within a budget framework 40
RTD4020A Plan the implementation of revegetation works 60
RTD4303A Prepare safe operating procedures for calibration of equipment 25
RTD4406A Implement pest management action plans 40
RTD4510A Supervise natural area restoration works 50
RTD4811A Provide information on environmental issues and policies 50
RTD4910A Report on project 50
RTE4002A Develop a crop regulation program 40
RTE4012A Supervise horticultural crop harvesting 40
RTE4511A Develop a soil use map for a property 40
RTE4604A Determine seasonal irrigation scheduling tasks 40
RTE4605A Schedule irrigations 40
RTE4606A Supervise on-site irrigation and construction work 40
RTE4607A Plan on site irrigation system installation and construction work 40
RTE4608A Plan and co ordinate gravity-fed irrigation systems 40
RTE4609A Implement, monitor and adjust irrigation schedules 40
RTE4812A Coordinate customer service and network activities 40
RTE4913A Analyse and interpret production data 40
RTE4914A Participate in an e-business supply chain 40
RTE4915A Implement and monitor quality assurance procedures 30
RTF4001A Design plant displays 40
RTF4003A Plan a plant establishment program 40
RTF4004A Develop a plant nutrition program 40
RTF4005A Develop a sports turf maintenance program 40
RTF4006A Plan a tree pruning program 30
RTF4007A Prepare a garden design 100
RTF4014A Plan a growing-on program 30
RTF4015A Plan a propagation program 30
RTF4016A Plan a tree protection program 30
RTF4017A Plan a tree transplanting program 30
RTF4019A Prepare and implement plans to minimise tree stress 40
RTF4021A Plan the removal of trees 40
RTF4023A Promote plant health 40
RTF4514A Develop soil survey maps 40
WRRI5A Maintain and order stock 36
WRRLP4B Maintain store security 18
WRRO1B Manage merchandise and store presentation 30
WRRS4B Build relationships with customers 20
At least 1 module/unit must be completed
Modules/Units Name Hrs National Module(s)
RTC5011A Collect and classify plants 120
RTC5201A Conduct comprehensive inspection of park facilities 60
RTC5504A Develop a management plan for a designated area 150
RTC5520A Manage parks and reserves 120
RTC5701A Establish and maintain the enterprise OHS program 50
RTC5702A Develop and manage a chemical use strategy 50
RTC5801A Provide specialist advice to clients 150
RTC5908A Prepare estimates, quotes and tenders 80
RTC5913A Collect and manage data 50
RTC5914A Prepare reports 40
RTD5402A Develop a strategy for the management of target pests 120
RTE5006A Plan and manage long-term weed, pest and/or disease control in crops 100
RTE5015A Manage the harvest of agricultural and horticultural crops 100
RTE5016A Develop production plans for crops 100
RTE5304A Implement a machinery management system 100
RTE5524A Develop and implement sustainable land use strategies 100
RTE5525A Manage trial and/or research material 100
RTE5601A Audit irrigation systems 100
RTE5602A Design irrigation system maintenance and monitoring programs 100
RTE5603A Design irrigation, drainage and water treatment systems 100
RTE5606A Manage water systems 100
RTE5807A Manage staff 100
RTE5901A Develop a marketing plan 100
RTE5902A Develop and review a business plan 100
RTE5903A Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program 100
RTE5906A Monitor and review business performance 100
RTE5912A Plan and monitor production processes 100
RTE5920A Negotiate and monitor contracts/commercial agreements 100
RTE5921A Market products and services 100
RTF5001A Develop a horticultural production plan 200
RTF5004A Manage landscape projects 140
RTF5005A Manage plant health 160
RTF5008A Plan the establishment of sports turf playing surfaces 160
RTF5009A Plan the restoration of parks and gardens 100
RTF5010A Prepare a landscape project design 300
RTF5012A Manage a controlled growing environment 100
RTF5013A Manage plant cultural practices for amenity horticulture 200
RTF5018A Assess trees 200
RTF5302A Develop a plan for a hydroponic system 100
RTF5506A Develop and implement a streetscape management plan 140
RTF5521A Monitor and manage soils 140
You may choose modules/units from this group but they do not count towards
course completion
Modules/Units Name Hrs National Module(s)
5599GB Workplace applications 1 40