Master of Animateuring (by Research)

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Comments about Master of Animateuring (by Research) - On Campus - Melbourne - Victoria

  • Objectives
    The objectives of this course are: * to extend skills and expertise in the chosen field of research in cross-modal performance; * to extend skills and expertise necessary to take artistic leadership in cross-modal performance; * to advance the understanding of creative processes in the chosen field of cross-modal performance; * to develop appropriate skills in performance literacy for the documentation, description and analysis of cross-modal creative processes and performance; * to make a significant contribution in cross-modal performance practice in Australia; and * to be able to contribute substantially to Australian cross-modal performance culture through research skills and knowledge developed through the course.
  • Course description
    The Master of Animateuring (Cross-modal performance) forms the second stage of training in animateuring for advanced students, after completion of the Graduate Diploma in Animateuring. The course is based in performing arts.

    Animateuring involves the creation of new performances. The course is designed to articulate with the Graduate Diploma in Animateuring (currently operating through Dance and Drama) and is by research with specific prerequisite hurdles.

    The course comprises short courses in research methodology, forums for the presentation and review of student research and supports secondments to other institutions, organisations or to relevant projects within the VCA. Students will realise public performance of a significant body of created work, together with a 15,000 word research paper.

    Year 1
    • 756-602 - Major Project - Animateuring Research

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