Master of Arts

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Comments about Master of Arts - On Campus - Perth - WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Western Australia

  • Objectives
    This research course is offered in the fields of Applied Linguistics, English, Geography, History, Politics & Government, Sociology/Anthropology and Writing.
  • Entry requirements
    A relevant Bachelor of Arts degree with first or upper second class Honours. Special consideration will be given to applicants with equivalent research backgrounds. Special admission requirements A good Honours pass in a relevant Bachelor degree or a Master of Arts by Coursework and Project(s) with a course average of 65% or equivalent research experience.
  • Academic title
    Master of Arts
  • Course description
    This course is available for on-campus study by students with an International student visa.
    This course structure contains information about the units which comprise the course as well as the credit points required to successfully complete it.

    Students enrol (re-enrol) in ICS6200 each semester, at 50 or 100% of full time equivalent, until the thesis is submitted for examination.

    All theses, except in Writing, follow ECU Thesis Guidelines.

    The thesis for a Writing student comprises a major creative project and a related theoretical/critical essay, or a set of essays. Writing students complete a manuscript which will normally consist of ONE of the following: a novel, a book of poems, a full-length play script, a collection of short fiction, biographical/historical work, or other work of non-fiction. The manuscript will display a degree of originality, an understanding of form and a high degree of professional preparation (approximately 80% of marks).

    The essay (approximately 20% of marks) takes the form of a theoretical/critical essay (8,000-10,000 words), or set of essays, which may involve one or more of the following in relation to the writing project: relevant theoretical issues; its conceptual and/or cultural context; its aims and methods; its relation to other writers or writing within the genre; and any other matter agreed upon with the Candidate's Supervisor and appropriately approved.

    Year One - Semester 1
    Unit            Description         Points
    ICS6200    Masters Thesis         0

    Year One - Semester 2
    Unit            Description         Points
    ICS6200    Masters Thesis         0

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