Course description
Graduate Diploma of Organisational Communication GradDipOrgComm
Graduate Certificate in Organisational Communication GradCertOrgComm
About the course
The program provides a world-class learning experience for communication professionals to develop their communication management and strategic skills. All subjects include at least one assignment that students can focus on their own work or organisation, helping them to become more confident and productive employees from the outset.
Students learn about contemporary practice and theory, and apply their learning through case studies, problem-solving and strategy development.
In year 1 students learn about individual and leader communication styles, public relations and communication theory, employee communication and change management, strategy planning, research and communication audits.
Year 2 subjects focus on knowledge and skills in corporate responsibility, stakeholder engagement, crisis and issues management, corporate culture and integrated communication.
In the final semester students undertake independent research and apply their learning to a corporate communication issue and case of their choice.
Students in the program come from a range of sectors, but most work in or consult to large organisations. The variety of student backgrounds ensures lively, informative discussions and debates at residential schools and online.
Overseas applicants are encouraged. Provision can be made for overseas students to complete the course without attendin residential schools.
Study mode
Study is by distance education. We run two semesters of 13 weeks each year. If you complete all work on time, the other half of the year is yours!
Teaching staff
All staff are experienced communication practitioners and academics. Each brings a special practical expertise from the public, private or NGO sectors, and is presently involved in related industry or conceptual research. Staff are sensitive to the special needs of busy professionals with career and other commitments.
All 32 credit points required for the Graduate Certificate count towards the Graduate Diploma and the Master degree. Full credit is given in the next level for subjects already completed.
Residential schools
Residential schools for the course are held at Bathurst Campus twice per year. These schools are compulsory in some subjects, however if it is not possible for students to attend (such as overseas enrolled students), exemption needs to be sought early in the semester and arrangements made for additional assessments.