Master of Arts (Research)

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Comments about Master of Arts (Research) - On Campus - Robina - Queensland

  • Objectives
    Master's programs by research only, are offered in most areas of study in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Prior to formal application, intending applicants need to give consideration to the specific research topic they wish to investigate. This should be determined in consultation with a member of the academic staff of the Faculty in order to see whether the Faculty can provide appropriate supervision and whether the candidate is familiar enough with the relevant research area to be able to undertake specialised study in that field.
  • Practical experience
    Work Experience & Internships Work experience and internships are not available to this program.
  • Entry requirements
    The minimum requirement for admission to Masters (research) candidature is * a four-year (i.e. 8 semester) honours degree (First class, 2A, 2B), or * a qualification or combination of qualifications deemed to be equivalent to the above by the HDR Committee. Candidates who have completed more than 9 months of Masters by research and who meet the requirements for admission to PhD candidature may apply to be admitted to confirmed PhD candidature. In successful cases, the PhD candidature will be considered to have begun at the time of commencement of the Master's degree.
  • Academic title
    Master of Arts (Research)
  • Course description

    As regular meetings with a supervisor is required, candidates are normally expected to reside within Australia. Under normal circumstances the period of candidature for full time study must not be less than 12 months or more than 24 months, for part time study not less than 18 months or more than 48 months.

    Statement of Research Interest

    Prior to formal application intending applicants need to give consideration to the specific research topic they wish to investigate. This should be determined in consultation with a member of the academic staff of the Faculty in order to see whether the Faculty can provide appropriate supervision and whether the candidate is familiar enough with the relevant research area to be able to undertake specialised study in that field. Details of academic staff and their research interests can be found in the front of this handbook or on the Bond University website

    After consultation with a member of academic staff, the applicants for Master of Arts (Research) should write a brief statement (800-1200 words) indicating the area in which the research is to be conducted. This statement should include:

        * a proposed topic
        * prior research conducted by the applicant that relates to the proposal
        * previous publications by the candidate that relate to the proposal (PhD candidates)
        * literature references that provide relevant background
        * possible research methodologies (where relevant)
        * the name of a potential supervisor within the Faculty

    Bond University offers limited numbers of APA’s (Australian Postgraduate Awards) and for International Students IPRS’s (International Postgraduate Research Scholarships).

    English Language Requirements

    Prospective candidates for whom English is not a first language must be able to demonstrate proficiency in English at the equivalent level of IELTS 7.0 or better.  Test results should be less than two years old.

    This information is intended to be an informal guide to the Masters by research degree and PhD program in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.  For formal degree requirements, enrolment procedures and progress of candidature please see the Bond University Handbook of Regulations.

    Program Structure

    Master of Arts (Research) submitted for examination must be between 40,000 - 50,000 words in length, and written in English.

    Continued enrolment in the program is conditional on the submission of satisfactory 6-monthy progress reports.

    Outstanding candidates who make significant progress in their research during the first 9 months (or part-time equivalent) of their research may be considered for PhD Candidature. In successful cases, The PhD candidature will be considered to have begun at the time of commencement of the Master's degree.

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