Course description
Graduate Diploma of Terrorism, Safety and Security GradDip(TerrorismSafety&Security)
Graduate Certificate in Terrorism, Safety and Security GradCert(TerrorismSafety&Security)
About the course
Graduate Certificate in Terrorism, Safety and Security
The Graduate Certificate in Terrorism, Safety and Security seeks to improve professional standards by deepening students' understanding of the history and motivators of terrorism, and thereby developing their ability to critique current (and anticipate future) terrorist threats and possible counterterrorist measures. Assessment items will encourage the application of theory to practice, with the aim of having students articulating ways in which their learning can be applied to their own professional practice.
Graduate Diploma of Terrorism, Safety and Security
The Graduate Diploma in Terrorism, Safety and Security builds on the learning that has taken place in the Graduate Certificate. The Graduate Diploma will allow students to deepen their understanding of the specific social and political effects of both terrorist activity and counterterrorism measures. In particular, the course will enable students to critique their own professional practice in light of the impact that terrorism and counterterrorism have on key societal and political institutions and values. By offering electives, the Graduate Diploma also aims to further students' opportunities to apply their learning from both this course and the preceding Graduate Certificate to their own professional practice.
Master of Arts (Terrorism, Safety and Security)
The primary aim of this course is to produce graduates capable of successfully completing research which results in a distinct contribution to knowledge in the fields of counterterrorism, safety and security. The graduates should be capable of performing a range of research, policy and planning roles within their respective professional domains. The course will enable graduates to identify and research current issues impacting on their work environment and transform their findings into examples of best practice policy. The course also aims to produce students with the ability to critically assess current and anticipated policies, and evaluate new and emerging trends, in the areas of terrorism and counterterrorism. Via their interaction with each other, the course will also enable students to engage with other national and international perspectives, thus broadening the scope of their professional practice.