Master of Arts (Writing) - Online

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Comments about Master of Arts (Writing) - Online

  • Objectives
    The aim of the Master of Arts (Writing) is to allow students to acquire a systematic and coherent body of knowledge, the underlying principles and concepts, and the associated communication and problem-solving skills associated with creative and professional writing.

    The program objectives are to allow students to:

    * develop academic skills and attributes necessary to undertake research for creative and professional writing, comprehend and evaluate new information, concepts and evidence from a range of sources
    * develop the ability to review, consolidate, extend and apply the knowledge and techniques learnt, including in a professional context
    * demonstrate a high order of skill in analysis, critical evaluation and/or professional application through the planning and execution of project work or a piece of scholarship or research; and creativity in writing
    * demonstrate creativity and flexibility in the application of knowledge and skills to new situations, to solve complex problems and to think rigorously and independently
    * build on their skills for self directed and life-long learning
  • Course description
    Course Description:

    The rapid pace of change in the ways in which information is accessed, utilised and converted into knowledge means that there is a growing need for graduates with both traditional and electronic professional and creative writing skills. The goal of Lilydale's writing programs is to draw together print and performance-based texts, while exploring the local and global opportunities of electronic media.

    The writing suite of programs builds on the expertise of the Lilydale campus in areas including: creative writing, electronic writing; information management; eCommunications and writing for learning technologies. These programs will give students access to the best materials in print and online as well as to experts in their field. Students will be supported by online mentors and tutors.

    Course Structure:

    The Master of Arts (Writing) incorporates the Graduate Certificate of Arts (Writing) , and the Graduate Diploma of Arts (Writing) . The master continues on from the graduate certificate and graduate diploma levels and consists of a further four units of study (700 level) including the core units: Publication Folio Part A and Publication Folio Part B.

    Each unit of study is worth 12.5 credit points. To complete the Master of Arts (Writing), a total of 12 units of study, worth 150 credit points, must be completed.

    The program is delivered entirely online and is supported with eTutors, tutorials, print materials, websites and CD-ROMs.

    Units of Study:

    Graduate Certificate
    LPW500 Critical Friends: The real and virtual support of writers (Core)
    LPW501 Journalism
    LPW502 Research to Publication
    LPW504 Real Life Writing

    Graduate Diploma
    LPW600 Reading and Writing (Core)
    LPW602 Writing History: People, Places and Times
    LPW603 Script Adaptation: Stage, Screen and Multimedia
    LPW604 Online Writing

    LPW700 The Writerly Self
    LPW701A Publication Folio Part A  (Core)
    LPW701B Publication Folio Part B  (Core)
    Choose one:
    LPW703 Electronic Writing
    LPW704 Script Writing

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