Master of Business (Personal Injury) - Distance

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Comments about Master of Business (Personal Injury) - Online

  • Objectives
    The Master of Business (Personal Injury) focuses on meeting the needs of persons working in the accident compensation industry.
  • Entry requirements
    Applicants for the Master of Business (Personal Injury) must hold a four year bachelor degree (or equivalent) or a three year bachelor degree (or equivalent) plus two years of relevant professional experience.
  • Academic title
    Master of Business (Personal Injury)
  • Course description
    Fees and charges
    Equivalent Full Time Student Load (EFTSL)
    EFTSL is the standard annual full time load. Eight credit points is the standard full time load for one year of study.

    Fee paying place - Domestic (DFP)
    A Fee paying place is one for which the university does not receive any government funding. As such, students enrolled in these places are required to contribute the full cost of their course.
    Fee paying places are available to domestic students. Domestic students are those who are Australian citizens, New Zealand citizens or holders of a permanent visa.

    * The 'indicative annual course fee' cited has been provided as a guide only. It has been calculated on the basis of a typical enrolment of a student undertaking the course in 2009, and reflects the cost involved in undertaking a full-time quota of units within the specified discipline.
    The actual fees charged by Deakin University will depend upon the discipline from which each individual unit is chosen, and may vary from the indicative course fee cited, particularly if units are chosen from a number of disciplines. The cost of each unit offered in 2009 can be viewed at .
    Please note that the fees per unit/credit point may increase annually due to rises in the cost of course delivery and service.
    Deakin assumes no responsibility for persons relying on 'indicative course fees' to calculate the total future cost of their course.

    Course rules
    This course requires students to complete 8 credit points over two years of part-time study.

    Course structure

    Core units

    MPR751/MPA751 Financial Reporting and Analysis  *

    MPR706/MPM706 Strategic Management  

    MPM740 Scheme Policy and Design  

    MPM741 Scheme Assessment and Economics  

    MPM742 Claims Management Strategy  

    MPI702 Applied Business Project  



    Plus one unit from:

    XGR703 Injury Management (Griffith University unit - studied cross-institutionally)

    XGR705 Injury Management (Griffith University unit - studied cross-institutionally)


    Elective units

    One unit selected from:

    AIP740 Public Policy Analysis  

    AIP773 Governance and Accountability  

    AIP774 Public Management  

    AIP777 Accountability and Corporate Social Responsibility  

    HSH701 Principles and Practice of Public Health  

    HSH702 Contemporary Health Issues and Policies  

    MLM706 Corporate Governance  

    MLM761 Health and Biotechnology Law  

    MPA711 Corporate Governance and Ethics  

    MPC701 Information Systems for Business  

    MPC741 IT Strategy and Management  

    MPE781 Economics for Managers  

    MPK711 Strategic Customer Service  

    MPM712 Managing Innovation  

    MPR721/MPM721 Organisational Behaviour  *

    MPR703 Management Communication (Residential)  

    MSC752 eBusiness Strategies  

    MSC756 Project Management  

    MPT722/MPR722 Human Resource Management (Residential)  #*

    MPM722 Human Resource Management  

    MPR707 Change Management (Residential)  *

    MMH707 Managing Transitions and Change  


    or any other unit with prior written approval of the Course Team Chair

    #MPT code denotes study tour version of the unit

    *MPR code denotes residential version of the unit
    Detailed course rules
    The Master of Business (Personal Injury) requires completion of 8 credit points comprising 7 credit points of core units and one elective unit from a select list.

    Admission requirements - general
    Deakin University offers admission to postgraduate courses through a number of Admission categories.
    In all categories of admission, selection is based primarily on academic merit as indicated by an applicant's previous academic record.
    For more information on the Deakin Admissions Policy visit The Guide

    Admission requirements - specific
    Applicants for the Master of Business (Personal Injury) must hold a four year bachelor degree (or equivalent) or a three year bachelor degree (or equivalent) plus two years of relevant professional experience.

    Advanced standing - general
    The University aims to provide students with as much credit as possible for approved prior study or informal learning which exceeds the normal entrance requirements for the course and is within the constraints of the course regulations. Students are required to complete a minimum of one-third of the course at Deakin University, or four credit points, whichever is the greater. In the case of certificates, including graduate certificates, a minimum of two credit points within the course must be completed at Deakin.

    You can also refer to the Advanced Standing System which outlines the credit that may be granted towards a Deakin University degree.

    How to apply
    Applicants must apply by contacting the Personal Injury Education Foundation

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