Course description
* a thesis subject (50 points)
* three coursework subjects (37.5 points)
* one advanced workshop (12.5 points)
A total of 100 points - subjects are 12.5 points each, unless indicated otherwise.
Thesis subject
Subject Semester Credit Points
760-553 Minor Thesis - Creative Writing
The student will negotiate a suitable project with a supervisor, attend meetings and supervision sessions as required and present work in progress to appropriate seminars or conferences during the year. Semester 1, Semester 2 50
Coursework subjects and workshop
Subject Semester Credit Points
760-513 Writing the Unconscious
This subject explores the implications of theories of the self and the unconscious for contemporary writers. Work from the late 19th Century, the Modernist period and contemporary Postmodern literature will be surveyed along with theoretical writing ... Semester 1 12.50
760-512 Research for the Creative Writer
This seminar subject is designed to enrich writers' understanding of what research involves for extended writing projects, in terms of the thematic material explored, the cultural and socio-political context, and in terms of the conceptual enric... Semester 1 12.50
760-510 Creative Writing Advanced Workshop
Students will produce drafts of work in progress, engage in peer editing and workshops, present readings, attend seminars conducted by experienced writers, and will have an opportunity to receive professional feedback from publishers and editors. Semester 2 12.50
760-520 Text, Time and Space
This subject will enable the creative writing student to consider how time and space as cultural and structural concepts are involved in narrative and subject construction. The subject will stimulate a creative engagement with critical theory and wil... Semester 2 12.50