Master of Education (Coursework)

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Comments about Master of Education (Coursework) - On Campus - Parkville - Victoria

  • Objectives
    Students completing this course should be able to: * demonstrate a superior knowledge and understanding of educational theory and practice in general and in a specialised area in particular; * express informed opinions about particular areas of current educational interest; * have an understanding of the theory and practice of educational research needed to evaluate research literature and carry out appropriate research activity; * make effective use of the findings of educational writings and research in addressing professional problems; * have the depth of knowledge and understanding that will enable them to be a resource for colleagues in particular professional situations; * demonstrate an appreciation of professional responsibilities and ethical principles which should characterise leaders in the education profession.
  • Entry requirements
    The Master of Education is directed at practising professionals in a broad range of fields related to education - early childhood, primary, secondary, tertiary, vocational and adult. The degree will also meet the needs of other professionals whose work has an educational component or some educational responsibility.
  • Academic title
    Master of Education (Coursework)
  • Course description
    Subject      Semester      Credit Points
    481-803  Creating the Learning Organisation
    This subject provides an introduction to what is meant by a `learning organisation' and `organisational learning'. The term `learning organisation' has become increasingly popular in organisational theory and the management and change ...     Semester 2     25

    481-807  Human Resource Management in Education
    This subject examines the changing role, functions and activities of human resource management in an educational setting, and explores current issues, complexities and future challenges. Content areas include human resource policy and planning; job e...     Semester 2     25

    482-707  Leadership
    The starting point for this seminar is a review of theories in leadership. Several sources are provided for candidates who have not completed a masters or other post-graduate study in the field. More detailed attention is then given to current and em...     Semester 1     25

    482-805  Marketing in Education
    This subject explores the evolution and application of modern marketing as it applies to educational settings. Aspects such as the marketing concept, market orientation, marketing management, relationships marketing, services marketing, and marketing...     Semester 1     25

    482-807  Curriculum Leadership and Management
    This subject focuses on the leadership and management competencies necessary to create an effective environment to enhance student learning and success. Topics include: teaching and learning methodologies, assessing student needs, staff development, ...     Semester 2     12.50

    482-809  Leading a Learning Community
    This subject examines the leadership necessary for developing a learning community. Candidates focus on topics and skills such as collaborative decision-making and problem solving; conflict management and negotiation; and team processes. Understandin...     Semester 2, Summer     12.50

    482-825  Assessment & Develop. of Administrators
    The subject examines the approach to staff assessment, selection and development using assessment centre methodology. Students learn the competencies necessary to become trained assessors in an assessment centre, and to apply these skills in that set...     Semester 2     25

    482-829  Personal and Interpersonal Processes
    This subject addresses development and understanding of self and others, interpersonal relationships, management of organisation and individual stress, conflict management and negotiation skills.     Summer     12.50

    482-892  School Effectiveness and Improvement
    This subject focuses on the international research literature on educational effectiveness, improvement and quality assurance in education. Candidates review theoretical frameworks developed to account for recent findings in the field of school and t...     Summer     12.50

    481-809  Program Evaluation: Forms & Approaches
    A conceptual overview of theories, issues and recent practice in evaluation. An inductive/case study approach will be used in which recent evaluation practice will be analysed using frameworks developed by the lecturers. Topics covered include: confl...     Semester 1, Summer     25

    481-810  Evaluating Large Scale Programs
    This subject will provide students with an advanced understanding of evaluation theory, methodology and practice. The subject is based, in particular, upon a critical analysis and application of realist, theory-based approaches to evaluating complex,...     Semester 1     25

    481-811  Evaluation for Management & Development
    The subject is based on an assumption that leaders and managers need timely, systematic information for use in decision-making about programs (and policies) for which they are responsible. The focus is on internal evaluations within organisations (fo...     Semester 2     25

    481-812  Qualitative Methods
    Approaches to the collection, display and analysis of qualitative data in education and social program evaluation are examined using current evaluations as models. Topics include: orientations to, and criticisms of, qualitative approaches; planning q...     Semester 2     25

    481-813  Quantitative Methods
    An examination of various methods of collection, display and analysis of quantitative data. Topics include: design of quantitative research programs; survey design; experimental and quasi-experimental designs; development and testing of questionnaire...     Semester 1     25

    468-603  Adult Education & Professional Practice
    An analysis of debates in adult education as they are engaged by life long learning, looking, for example, generic skills, facilitation, competence-based training, quality assurance, case-mix funding, enterprise-driven professional development and th...     Semester 2     25

    482-681  Education Policy in Australia
    This subject examines the national context and range of approaches to post-compulsory education and training in Australia. Topics that provide background include trends in school completion and factors underlying retention, regional socio-economic di...     Semester 1     25

    482-832  Current Thinking About Thinking
    A review of classroom environments, programs and resources which foster higher cognitive levels, dialogical skills, sound reasoning and improved questioning skills. International and local literature reflecting the current research trends is examined...     Semester 1     12.50

    482-833  Designing a Thinking Curriculum
    This subject provides students the opportunity to design educational modules appropriate for their own setting. It involves first-hand experience in ways of improving questioning and fostering metacognitive, critical and creative thinking skills; fac...     Semester 2     12.50

    483-637  Researching Arts Education
    A study of qualitative methods of inquiry appropriate for researching arts education in a contemporary context. The subject examines interpretive research methodologies as they inform the reflective practice of arts educators. Current approaches to r...     Semester 1     25

    483-603  Innovation & Change In Language Ed.
    A study of key directions and innovations in language and literacy policy and programming in Australia and internationally. Topics include: the evolution of language and literacy teaching programs in different contexts; current issues in language edu...     Semester 1     25

    483-620  Second Language Assessment
    A study of the theory and practice of second language assessment. Topics include: the purposes of language assessment, models of communicative language ability and their implications for assessment, the design of assessment instruments, assessing spe...     Semester 1     25

    483-626  Language Education: Functional Grammar
    A study of systemic functional linguistic approaches to the study of English grammar and discourse, as these are relevant to the development of an educational linguistics. Topics include: a brief review of the history of the emergence of the theory, ...     Semester 2     25

    483-636  Teaching English in the Internat.Context
    The subject examines the international debate on the nature and role of English in the world over the past 25 years. Issues of naming and variety are considered and the politics and economics of the spread of English is examined, as well as charges o...     Semester 2     25

    483-641  English for Specific Purposes
    A study of the theory and practice of teaching English for Specific Purposes. Building on general TESOL methodology and curriculum design principles, topics in this subject will include definitions and the history of ESP, English for academic purpose...     Semester 1     25

    483-829  Language & Language Acquisition
    A study of the nature of the language learning task, including an analysis of spoken and written language, its acquisition and its use in bilingual and multilingual settings, together with an introduction to the implications of this for language teac...     Semester 1, Semester 2     25

    476-661  Test and Scale Development
    Methods for creating, designing and developing measurement tools are explored. These tools include those used for assessment of capabilities, achievement, attitudes and preferences. The principles of scale construction and validation provide the fram...     Semester 1     25

    476-664  Item Response Modelling
    This unit provides an understanding of item response modelling. The subject examines item response theory from an advanced perspective, including the development of single and multiple parameter models, their specification, estimation and evaluation....     Semester 2     25

    476-695  Assessment & Reporting for Student Learn
    This subject examines judgement based assessment of competency in a range of settings from Vocational to Early Childhood. Various approaches to assessment data collection are examined including tests, observation, portfolios and the development and ...     Summer     25

    472-627  Research Project in Deafness Studies
    This subject will guide the student through the structure and design of a research study including: critical evaluation of the literature; an introduction to statistical and descriptive methods of evaluation; constructing a research paper. Students w...     Semester 1, Semester 2     25

    472-601  Working with Challenging Behaviour
    Students should understand and compare typical and atypical socioemotional development of children and students; observe and assess challenging behaviour and its impact on learning, self-esteem and social interaction in specialist and inclusive setti...     Semester 2     12.50

    472-604  Assessment and Program Implementation
    This subject aims to develop knowledge and skills in the role and nature of norm referenced assessments; examines the principles and application of informal and alternative assessments and their application to developmental and sequential teaching; a...     Semester 2     12.50

    472-618  The Psychology of Exceptional Learning
    This subject examines concepts, theories and issues in educational and developmental psychology necessary to understand and diagnose academic learning disabilities that will lead to effective curriculum development. It will examine the individual dif...     Semester 2     12.50

    472-619  Prof Practice - Specific Learng Diff 1
    In these two subjects, students undertake the equivalent of 45 days of supervised professional practice in at least two different types of settings in block rounds of ten or fifteen days. These settings, both segregated and inclusive settings, provid...     Year Long     12.50

    472-620  Prof Practice Specific Learng Diff 2
    In these two subjects, students undertake the equivalent of 45 days of supervised professional practice in at least two different types of settings in block rounds of ten or fifteen days. These settings, both segregated and inclusive settings, provid...     Year Long     12.50

    476-889  Learning Disabilities: Literacy
    This subject reviews contemporary theories and explanations of learning disabilities in literacy and examine their underpinning assumptions and implications. Theories include schematic-interactive models, strategic models and orthographic learning mo...     Semester 1     12.50

    476-890  Learning Disabilities: Numeracy
    This subject reviews current theories of learning disabilities in numeracy and their implications for instruction. Relevant diagnostic and instructional models are analysed in terms of their theoretical bases, empirical support and implications for i...     Semester 2     12.50

    476-892  Classroom Strategies:Gifted Education
    This subject examines the teaching of students who are intellectually gifted and talented. It examines (1) a general model for teaching gifted learners; (2) using the learning characteristics of gifted and talented students to identify the most appro...     Semester 1     12.50

    476-893  Understanding & Identifying Gifted Lrng
    This subject examines definitions and models of giftedness and talent, the learning and socio-emotional characteristics of gifted children and their educational needs. The implications of these for programs, provisions, means of identification and sc...     Semester 1     12.50

    476-692  Reflection in Learning & Teaching
    In the study of thinking generally, and of learning and teaching in particular, reflection and metacognition are two focuses that have assumed prominence over the past two decades. Reflection builds upon a long history of educational enquiry; metacog...     Semester 2     25

    476-695  Assessment & Reporting for Student Learn
    This subject examines judgement based assessment of competency in a range of settings from Vocational to Early Childhood. Various approaches to assessment data collection are examined including tests, observation, portfolios and the development and ...     Summer     25

    476-643  Approaches to Trauma & Grief in Ed.Cont.
    This subject explores responses to trauma and grief across the life cycle particularly focusing on children and adolescents. Historical and theoretical frameworks and approaches to understanding and managing grief, bereavement and trauma at the indiv...     Semester 2     25

    476-644  Managing Conflict / Educational Settings
    Definitions of conflict, conflict theories and research on conflict are used to analyse the types of conflicts that occur in schools at administration, staff and student levels. The subject draws on theory research and from a range of disciplines. Ap...     Semester 1     25

    485-602  Cyber Culture and Education
    Cultural analysis of the use of information and communications technology in industry, domestic and educational settings, identifying historical and theoretical perspectives on computer- mediated communication and computer and network aided practice;...     Semester 1     25

    485-601  Online Education and Training
    Survey information technologies used for online educational communication. Use and evaluate software and software packages for online education. Study strategies for teaching and learning online and develop an implementation plan for teaching and lea...     Semester 2     25

    485-829  Teaching With Information Technology
    The use of computers for educational purposes with emphasis on current research and educational philosophies of learning and teaching; current and potential uses in key learning areas. Implications for education of technological change, resourcing an...     Semester 2     25

    485-833  Multimedia and the Web for Education
    The subject focuses on the role of multimedia and the web for human communication and learning in educational contexts. The subject is suitable for all educators interested in combining practical activities with learning about associated techniques a...     Semester 1     25

    485-837  ICT and Curriculum
    An advanced examination of the use of computers within primary and secondary education begun in Teaching With Information Technology with a specialisation in one of these areas. A detailed investigation of the role and use of computers in a selected ...     Semester 1     25

    485-620  The Mathematics Classroom     
    This subject will not be available in 2009     25

    485-707  Learning Mathematics with Technology
    This subject surveys emerging possibilities for teaching and learning mathematics with information and communication technology. The uses of selected software such as dynamic geometry packages, spreadsheets, video and image analysis software, logo mi...     Semester 1     25

    485-805  Teaching for Numeracy
    This subject considers issues associated with the learning, teaching and assessment of numeracy. A central focus is to determine what it means to be numerate; examination of this question leads to a consideration of the relationship between numeracy ...     Semester 2     25

    485-714  Teaching Maths from Student Conceptions     
    This subject will not be available in 2009     25

    485-869  Discrete Maths. & Maths. Modelling
    An introduction to a broad range of discrete mathematics topics, including graph theory, Boolean algebra, difference equations, and simple numerical methods. Examination of some established mathematical models (both discrete and continuous). Methods ...     Semester 1     25

    485-870  Mathematical Statistics For Teachers
    Elementary probability; simulation;. random variables; exploratory data analysis; random sampling; parametric and non-parametric inference; hypothesis testing; analysis of variance; correlation; linear regression; time series; sample surveys; experim...     Semester 2     25

    472-650  Counselling in Educational Settings 2
    A study of additional models of counselling relevant for educational contexts eg. Cognitive Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy, Solution Oriented Therapy; the application of a problem management model and advanced helping skills of goal-setting, st...     Semester 2     25

    460-625  Negotiated Project in Education
    An individually negotiated project relating to education, in which the student undertakes a theoretical study (eg., a substantial critical review of a particular body of literature), a research project relating to educational practice, or an approved...     Semester 1, Semester 2, Summer     25

    460-626  Negotiated Project in Education 2
    An individually negotiated project relating to education, in which the student undertakes a theoretical study (eg., a substantial critical review of a particular body of literature), a research project relating to educational practice, or an approved...     Semester 1, Semester 2, Summer     25

    460-627  Minor Project in Education
    An individually negotiated project relating to education, in which the student undertakes a theoretical study (eg., a substantial critical review of a particular body of literature), a research project relating to educational practice, or an approved...     Semester 1, Semester 2, Summer     12.50

    460-628  Minor Project in Education 2
    An individually negotiated project relating to education, in which the student undertakes a theoretical study (eg., a substantial critical review of a particular body of literature), a research project relating to educational practice, or an approved...     Semester 1, Semester 2, Summer     12.50

    460-633  Leading Professional Learning
    Contemporary organizations such as schools, to be effective, require the ability to adapt and transform their professional practice to respond to changing circumstances. An aspect of this transformation is the professional learning capacity of the or...     Semester 2     25

    472-632  Understanding & Teaching for Creativity
    This subject examines the process of creativity and its implications for teaching and curriculum. Topics covered include: Models of creativity (componential and stage models); the psychological characteristics that promote creative productive achieve...     Semester 2     12.50

    476-685  Administering Programs for the Gifted     
    This subject will not be available in 2009     12.50

    476-886  School-based Intervention Strategies
    A broad range of instructional methods and strategies which are appropriate for classroom use with learners who have disabilities are examined. The subject focuses on the development, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based instructional meth...     Semester 1     12.50

    460-611  Social-Communication, Behaviour and ASD
    Students should understand the different theories and symptomology of autism; communication intervention, understanding behaviour and sensory processing, social competence needs; intervention in perspective taking; addressing social relationships; in...     Semester 1     25

    460-619  Professional Practice for School Change
    The subject is designed to extend participants' knowledge of educational leadership theory and practice through network based activities. This subject will be supported by a series of structured seminars that address key (a) systemic/community a...     Semester 1     12.50

    460-634  Perspectives of International Education
    This subject introduces participants to the concept of international education. It examines the principles and nature of international education that can inform and shape learning, teaching and assessment in schools. Participants will explore theoret...     Semester 1     25

    460-617  Leading Educational Transformation
    This subject explores Educational Leadership, with a special focus on leadership for school and systemic transformation. Adopting Caldwell 's view, transformation is considered to be significant, systematic and sustained change that results in h...     Semester 2     25

    482-891  Understanding H.R.M:People Leadership
    A study of human resource management policy and planning, current issues in human resource management in education, human resource functions and activities including job evaluation and selection, work design, staffing practices, working terms, condit...     Semester 1     12.50

    482-683  Comparative Education Policy
    The aim of this subject is to investigate policies for post-compulsory education ad training in selected OCED countries, their rationale, context and effectiveness. Comparative studies provide an important avenue for understanding the cultural, socio...     Semester 1     25

    482-625  Education Policy: International Study
    This subject involves travel to three nations, in order that groups of Masters students can visit and investigate three education systems outside Australia. There will be two main components involved in the international visits: 1) School/institution...     Semester 2     25

    482-647  Education Policy: Negotiated Project
    An individually negotiated project in which the student undertakes a theoretical study (for example, a substantial critical review of a particular body of literature), a research or workplace project, or an approved relevant educational experience co...     Semester 1, Semester 2     25

    460-621  Reading for Engagement and Comprehension
    This subject will explore theoretical perspectives and the practical classroom implications of effective reading instruction in the middle years of school. A range of print-based , electronic and multimodal texts will be analysed to illuminate the ch...     Semester 2     12.50

    460-622  Oral Language for Literacy and Learning
    This subject will examine the role of oral language in classroom contexts, and the nature of student talk from a range of theoretical and practical perspectives. The significance of children's increasing language competence will be explored with...     Semester 1     12.50

    460-623  Engaging Students with Writing
    This subject will examine major approaches to teaching writing in the middle years of school. Intersections between theory and practice will be explored, with a focus on building professional knowledge and skills needed to enhance student production ...     Semester 2     12.50

    460-624  Literacy Planning for Diverse Learners
    This subject will focus on the importance of planning effective literacy approaches and strategies to meet the needs of diverse learners. It will highlight how teachers cater for diversity through 'crafting a mix' of pedagogic approaches in...     Semester 1     12.50

    460-684  Content Language Integrated Pedagogy
    This subject focuses on content language integrated pedagogy, in particular issues in the methodology of teaching in a second or foreign language, including such areas as setting goals and objectives; models of Content Language Integrated Learning pr...     Semester 2     12.50

    460-685  Linguistics and Sociolinguistics of CLIL
    This subject will review the linguistic and sociolinguistic issues involved in content-based programs including such issues as general vs specific purpose language, the language of the discipline (and the integral relationship between them) and of th...     Semester 2     12.50

    460-714  Early Language and Literacy Development
    This subject addresses information processing models of sensory perception and learning. It will introduce the topic of brain function, the way language is processed in the brain, and the impact of sensory and/or language impairment on development. I...     Semester 1     12.50

    476-696  Project in Literacy Intervention
    This subject arises out of the work in subjects of the department and which involves study of an aspect of the student's professional work. The nature of the Integrative Study is determined through consultation with staff.     Semester 1     25

    483-829  Language & Language Acquisition
    A study of the nature of the language learning task, including an analysis of spoken and written language, its acquisition and its use in bilingual and multilingual settings, together with an introduction to the implications of this for language teac...     Semester 1, Semester 2     25

    472-649  Counselling in Educational Settings 1
    A study of the educator's role in the promotion of student wellbeing and student support issues, controversies and role boundaries; research on effective helping; a psycho-educational model of helping; interpersonal communication and counselling...     Semester 1     12.50

    460-616  Flexible Learning Environments
    This subject analyses educational approaches to the use of social software and personal learning devices in online, digital and mobile communication technologies across primary, secondary, tertiary and industry based educational settings. It investig...     Semester 1     25

    485-824  Teaching Mathematics with CAS
    Teaching mathematics with computer algebra systems (CAS). Principles influencing changes to curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and practical consequences. This subject is suitable for teachers of students Year 9 and above, including tertiary mathematic...     Semester 1     25

    485-850  Key Issues In Mathematics Education
    The consideration of issues affecting the direction of contemporary mathematics education. In particular, those issues specific to curricular developments in Victoria are distinguished from those which reflect national or international trends. Possib...     Semester 2     25

    460-646  Research Methods in Education
    The subject is divided into two parts, Part A and Part B. In Part A, students undertake a common course of study. In Part B, students select one module of study relevant to their proposed thesis topic under the direction of their supervisor. These mo...     Semester 1, Semester 2     25

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