Master of Energy Studies (MES)

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Comments about Master of Energy Studies (MES) - On Campus - Brisbane - Queensland

  • Course description
    Master of Energy Studies (MES)

    Institutions: The University of Queensland, The University of Western Australia and the University of Newcastle

    Start date: Semester 1 (February/March) each year

    Course type: Full-time of Part-time

    Length: 1,5 years full time

    The Master of Energy Studies is taught by lectures from three leading Australian Universities. MES professionals who successfully complete the program receive a co-badged testamur from The University of Queensland, The University of Western Australia and The University of Newcastle.

    The Master of Energy Studies (MES) equips future industry, government, research and community leaders with the skills and expertise to address energy challenges and devise solutions for a sustainable future.

    The MES develops professionals who can communicate across scientific, environmental, economic, and governance boundaries to generate innovative and sustainable solutions to complex global energy challenges in developed and developing contexts. Students gain a solid practical and theoretical understanding of the challenges being faced at the nexus of energy, climate change and sustainability.

    Our strong links with industry, government and international collaborators ensure that the MES is both world-class and industry-relevant.

Other programs related to renewable energy, energy efficiency

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