Master of Engineering (Power Generation) - Distance

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Comments about Master of Engineering (Power Generation) - Online

  • Objectives
    The Power Generation Skills Development Program is aimed at the continuing professional development of persons currently employed in the field of engineering within the power generation industry. The programs include a Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master of Power Generation. The programs are practically focused in that they develop the essential knowledge and skills required by both managers and practitioners to meet the current and future needs of the power generation industry. The key learning outcomes of these programs is to develop the student ability to: * understand philosophies, strategies, procedures and techniques associated with the operation of modern industrial power generation plant; * apply a practical knowledge of the power generation industry and its current and future needs; * contribute positively to the management of power generation plant; * provide leadership in the industrial power generation organisation; and * create opportunities to improve power generation practice.
  • Entry requirements
    A three year Bachelor Degree in Engineering, Technology or Applied Science OR Completed requirements for the Graduate Certificate of Power Generation.
  • Academic title
    Master of Engineering (Power Generation)
  • Course description

    About Power Generation

    Electricity generation is a growing industry that is currently suffering from specialised skill shortages. External pressure to optimise and progress power generation technology has pushed this industry into an exciting new era with vast potential. In order to maintain current levels of power generation and to progress forward with a view to satisfy public and social needs, the industry is increasingly looking for specialised professionals to help develop and maintain the technology the world will need in the future. The Master of Engineering (Power Generation) has been designed and developed jointly by Universities and industries and is driven by power generation industries to provide them with the specialised skills they need to progress.

    Career Opportunities

    Developed by expert industry and university staff, the Power Generation program has been tailored for professional engineers and para-professionals already working in the power generation sector. Engineers working in other fields and recent graduates may also enrol in the program as a first step towards building a career in the power generation industry.

    Students can enrol in a Power Generation program at any of the three partner universities, and upon completing the program will receive their qualification from that institution.

    Requirements for the Master of Power Generation are for each student to complete 8 courses made up of 5 core courses and 3 elective courses, with a final 24 unit of credit research project.

    To complete the Master's program at CQUniversity a student has to complete the CQUniversity core course Asset Management Systems, in addition to the 4 core courses offered by the partner universities. Students must also complete two of the following CQUniversity electives: Power Plant Chemistry, Advanced Power Plant, Bulk Materials and Waste Products or Plant Materials, plus an elective from any of the three partner Universities.

     Application for credit transfer

    Credit transfer from institutions other than the partner Universities, UQ and QUT, will be granted only where a student is able to demonstrate that tertiary studies equivalent in content and depth to the CQUniversity program have been successfully completed. Students should examine the course synopses in this handbook to determine the courses for which they may be eligible to claim exemption. For more information about credit transfer contact the Program Director. Cross institutional study transfers are accepted for the core and elective courses delivered by the partner Universities. A cross institutional study form can be downloaded from this web address:

     Computing requirements (as required)

    Students will need to have ready use of a computer with internet access.

     Access to a computer is required for all CQUniversity students.

    Program Structure

    Master of Power Generation program schedule

    Students can enrol in a Power Generation program at any of the three partner universities, and upon completing the program will receive their qualification from that institution.

    Requirements for the Master of Power Generation are for each student to complete eight courses made up of five core courses and three elective courses, with a final 24 unit of credit research project.

    To complete the Master's program at CQUniversity a student has to complete the CQUniversity core course Asset Management Systems, in addition to the four core courses offered by the partner universities. Students must also complete two of the following CQUniversity electives: Power Plant Chemistry, Advanced Power Plant, Bulk Materials and Waste Products or Plant Materials, plus an elective from any of the three partner Universities.

    5 compulsory courses
    Course Code     Course Name
    ENPG21001     Asset Management Systems
    Introduction to Power Plant (offered at QUT)      
    Project Delivery (offered at QUT)      
    Rotating Machinery (offered at UQ)      
    Regulation, Compliance and Safety (offered at UQ)      

    plus 3 electives from the following list
    Course Code     Course Name
    ENPG21002     Advanced Power Plant
    ENPG22001     Power Plant Chemistry
    ENPG22002     Bulk Materials and Waste Products
    ENPG22003     Plant Materials
    Plant Control Systems (offered at UQ)      
    Generator Technology Design and Operation (offered at UQ)      
    Transformer Technology Design and Operation (offered at UQ)      
    Gas Plant and Systems (offered at UQ)      
    Applied Thermodynamics (offered at QUT)      
    Industrial Power Distribution (offered at QUT)      
    Industrial Power Systems (offered at QUT)      

    NOTE: Partner university courses will be accepted as cross institutional study. Prior learning from continuing education courses will also be accepted as six units of credit course exemptions.

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