Completion of twelve subjects each of 12.5 points or ten subjects and an IT Project (or Minor Research Project) of 25 points. The program has two groups of subjects:
* Group A: consists of foundation subjects that bring students up-to-date with modern computing concepts, techniques and tools. A student will choose a maximum of four of these subjects
* Group B: offers advanced study in information technologies and their applications.
Subjects are typically taught with a combination of input from academics and practitioners. Students are expected to have their own PCs/laptops to complete the course. Limited additional access to the university computing laboratories may be available outside set class time.
With written permission from the Program Director subjects in Groups A and/or Group B may be substituted by other relevant subjects.
Note: Not all subjects are offered every year. Students seeking definitive details should contact the Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering prior to commencement.
GROUP A (Foundation Studies) Subjects (maximum of four)
Choose up to four subjects
Subject Semester Credit Points
433-520 Programming and Software Development
Topics covered include algorithmic problem-solving; data types; program structures; objects and classes; data storage structures, and files. The programming will be undertaken in Java. Semester 1, Semester 2 12.50
433-521 Algorithms and Complexity
Topics covered include complexity classes and asymptotic notations; empirical analysis of algorithms; abstract data types including queues, trees, heaps and graphs; algorithmic techniques including brute force, divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming... Semester 1, Semester 2 12.50
Internet Technologies
Topics covered include: Introduction to Internet, OSI reference model layers, protocols and services, data transmission basics, interface standards, network topologies, data link protocols, message routing, LANs, WAN, TCP/IP suite, detailed study of ... Semester 1, Semester 2 12.50
Database Systems & Information Modelling
The subject introduces key topics in modern information organization, particularly with regard to structured databases. The well-founded relational theory behind modern structured query language (SQL) engines, has given them as much a place behind th... Semester 1, Semester 2 12.50
Information Systems Analysis & Design
This subject will not be available in 2009 12.50
GROUP B (Advanced IT) Subjects (3 or 4 subjects)
Choose at least three subjects from:
Subject Semester Credit Points
433-620 Engineering for Internet Applications
Topics covered include: Web software architectures; languages and standards for data and applications on the World Wide Web; protocols for data exchange, program invocation, self-description, and discovery that form a basis for Web Services. Technolo... Semester 2 12.50
Web Technologies and Applications
Topics covered include: Web software architectures. Languages and standards for data on the World Wide Web: HTTP, XML, XSL, XQuery, XLink and XPath. The Semantic Web and RDF. Web mining and crawling. Semester 1 12.50
615-670 Internet Software Development Principles
This subject introduces a range of technologies and methodologies in current use in software development targeted to internet applications. Topics include: object modeling, UML and component based software engineering, and sufficient exposure to enab... Semester 1, Semester 2 12.50
615-671 Business Applications & Architectures
Integrating business applications across business functions and companies provides large benefits to organizations. The first phase of this subject concentrates on business processes and enterprise applications including ERP systems. The relationship... Semester 1 12.50
GROUP B (Remaining Subjects)
Choose at remaining subjects from:
Subject Semester Credit Points
IT Project Management
Project management issues including client management, management of technical teams; project planning, scheduling and estimation; risk management, configuration management, quality assurance and accreditation, and legal issues, software quality inc... Semester 1 12.50
433-645 Software System Security
This subject will not be available in 2009 12.50
433-646 Systems Requirements Engineering
This subject will not be available in 2009 12.50
433-652 Distributed Systems
Topics covered include: introduction, principles and paradigms, design issues, communication, processes, naming, synchronization, consistency and replication, fault tolerance, and security issues in distributed systems and applications; distributed c... Semester 1, Semester 2 12.50
433-653 Mobile Computing Systems Programming
This subject will not be available in 2009 12.50
433-654 Sensor Networks and Applications
Topics covered include: Introduction to sensor networks, attributes of sensor networks, wired and wireless sensors, sensors and networks design and deployment issues, bandwidth and energy constraints aware techniques for network discovery, network co... Semester 2 12.50
433-655 Distributed Algorithms
Topics covered include: synchronous and asynchronous network algorithms that address resource allocation, communication, consensus among distributed processes, distributed data structures, data consistency, deadlock detection, leader election, and gl... Semester 1 12.50
433-661 High Performance Database Systems
Successful companies and organisations rely on the effective and efficient manipulation of data. These include telecommunication companies, banking, retailing, airlines, manufacturing, process control and government instrumentalities. Many end-user a... Semester 2 12.50
433-667 Text and Document Management
This subject examines some of the technologies that make large-scale information retrieval systems possible. Management of large text and image databases. Text and image compression: information content; modelling and coding; minimum-redundancy codin... Semester 1 12.50
433-677 Networks & Parallel Processing
The subject revises parallel architectures and computations with focus on network and communication complexity. A number of network programming techniques are covered. The subject introduces formal communication complexity and two models of parallel... Semester 2 12.50
433-678 Cluster and Grid Computing
Parallel systems: parallel paradigms, parallelisation, resource management and scheduling, message-passing and parameter parallel programming; Cluster computing: cluster architecture, programming with MPI; Grid computing: grids and grid technologies... Semester 1 12.50
433-679 Evolutionary and Neural Computation
Introduction to intelligent systems. Concepts of genetic operators such as crossover, mutation, fitness functions, scaling and sampling in GAs. Numerical optimisation using GAs. Applications to scheduling problems. Basic concepts of neural computing... Semester 2 12.50
433-682 Software Agents
What is an agent? Intentional agents and BDI architecture. Reactive agents and subsumption architecture. Emergent properties of agents. Believable agents. Agent languages: Agent-0, KQML, dMARS, etc. Agents extracting information from the World-Wide ... Semester 1 12.50
433-684 Machine Learning
This subject will not be available in 2009 12.50
Information Technology Research Project
Topics covered include: Research methodology, literature search, and scientific writing. Semester 1, Semester 2 25
433-693 Directed Study 6A
Directed study in computer science overing material not otherwise available to the student. Semester 1, Semester 2, Summer 12.50
615-636 Interaction Design and Usability
This subject will not be available in 2009 12.50
Research Methods in Information Systems
Research is a systematic process of answering questions to acquire new knowledge. Research in information systems questions how professional practice is conducted and contributes to the development of better practices. The subject provides students ... Semester 1 12.50
Information Systems Modelling
This subject will not be available in 2009 12.50
Emerging Technologies and Issues
As with many other forms of technology, information technologies have lifecycles ranging from initial conception, possible adoption and widespread use in industry, to eventual obsolescence. This subject will address emerging information technologies,... Semester 2 12.50
615-653 Consumer-oriented eCommerce
This subject will not be available in 2009 12.50
615-655 Business to Business Electronic Commerce
Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce (B2B EC) involves the use of digital technologies to streamline the sourcing, acquisition, delivery and remittance of materials and services between companies. An example is the application of EC to enable bu... Semester 2 12.50
615-656 Knowledge Management Systems
This subject focuses on how a range of information technologies and analysis techniques are used by organizations to support knowledge management initiatives. Topics likely to be examined are: collaborative technologies and computer-supported coopera... Semester 1 12.50
615-657 Enterprise Systems
Organizations around the world are increasingly turning to packaged enterprise application software vendors to provide computer-based applications to support their core business processes. Twenty years ago most such computer-based information system... Semester 2 12.50
615-659 Advanced IS Project Management
Projects are typically characterized as being temporary in nature, having a defined start-end, involving the accomplishment of a novel or unique task and operating under constraints. Obviously the goal of a project is "success". The PMBOK (... Semester 1 12.50
Innovation & Enterpreneurship in IT
This subject examines the process of innovation and the role of the entrepreneur in the context of IT. The focus is on the behaviours, attitudes, values and skills that people need to create the climate for successful innovation, whether they are ent... Semester 1 12.50
615-662 Advanced IS Change Management
The development and implementation of information systems is both a catalyst for, and a response to, organisational change. In this subject, the interrelationship between information systems and organisational change is examined from both theoretical... Semester 1 12.50
615-663 IS in an International Context
This subject will not be available in 2009 12.50
615-667 eCommerce Security
This subject will not be available in 2009 12.50
615-672 Pervasive Computing
Pervasive computing describes access to information using new communications and networking technologies. The technology implies computing power, freed from the desktop, extended to wireless handheld devices, home appliances, and commercial tools-of-... Semester 1 12.50
615-690 Minor Research Project in IS
An individual program of supervised research and study in a selected area of Information Systems. The subject will be supervised by a member of academic staff who is familiar with the research topic and chosen research method. Detailed requirements a... Semester 1, Semester 2 25