Master of International Business

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  • Objectives
    1. Learning Goal Graduates of this degree will be: Able to generate and analyse data relevant for strategic management decisions in the area of international business. Learning objectives to achieve this goal On successful completion of this degree students will be able to: * describe, explain and apply the fundamental principles of strategic management * identify the various sources of sustained competitive advantage of firms engaged in international business * evaluate the impact of cultural, political and environmental factors on decision making in international business. 2. Learning Goal Graduates of this degree will be: Cognisant of the fundamental differences between doing business across borders and operating in a home market environment. Learning objectives to achieve this goal On successful completion of this degree students will be able to: * identify how foreign markets, institutions and cultures differ from one another * identify how policies related to trade, investment, intellectual property, and labor and environmental standards imposed by nation states and supra-national bodies impact on international business * understand and moderate the impact cultural differences in the operation of international business * understand the contested nature of globalization. 3. Learning Goal Graduates of this degree will be: Effective decision makers in international business and the related public policy domain. Learning objectives to achieve this goal On successful completion of this degree students will be able to: * apply ethical principles and corporate governance strategies relevant to international business * evaluate the applicability of various theories and techniques to international business issues * employ a range of tools of analysis’ pertinent to the evaluation of evidence in international business sector * use evidence based research techniques to support decisions. 4. Learning Goal Graduates of this degree will be: Critical thinkers in the field of international business and adept in developing solutions to problems Learning objectives to achieve this goal On successful completion of this degree students will be able to: * explain and critically analyse factors that influence decision making within international firms and in their home and host countries * identify issues and solutions in relation to the internationalization strategies of firms * apply knowledge of theory to analyse case-based and hypothetical problems in a variety of domestic and international markets. 5. Learning Goal Graduates of this degree will be: Knowledgeable in the core areas of international business/international management and possess the capabilities to manage a range of functions within those organisations effectively Learning objectives to achieve this goal On successful completion of this degree students will be able to: * describe the core areas of international management and the related management principles, theories and models * analyse and evaluate the key competencies needed to become a successful international manager including strategic management, human resource management, marketing and other functional disciplines * critically analyse international organisation’s problems and apply relevant models and theories to generate effective solutions
  • Entry requirements
    Students with an undergraduate degree in any discipline, or equivalent, plus at least two years of documented work and/or professional experience.
  • Academic title
    Master of International Business
  • Course description
    Four Foundation Subjects:

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    316-660  Managerial Economics
    The subject provides an introduction to the fundamentals of microeconomics and strategy, and applies this knowledge to a number of business and management issues. Topics to be covered include: the working of competitive markets and the determination ...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    316-661  Quantitative Methods for Business
    The subject introduces students without a strong mathematical background to some of the methods used to collect, present and analyse data and to provide illustrative applications to decision problems faced by business managers. Topics will be chosen ...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    325-606  Organisational Fundamentals
    This subject will introduce students to key themes and issues in management and marketing and help them to develop key management skills. The focus will be on understanding the way organisations operate in their economic and social environments and t...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    333-692  Financial Decision Making
    This subject is designed to equip students with the tools necessary to enable them to make the core investment decisions that managers face on a daily basis as well as the knowledge as to where they can find the information necessary to apply those t...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    Students enrolled in the 12 Subject Program must successfully complete four foundation subjects (50 points) before being permitted to enrol in any further subjects.

    Six international business core subjects:

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    316-680  Government and International Business
    This subject focuses on the role of government and international governmental or quasi-governmental organisations in world trade and investment with special reference to Asia. The rules and operations of WTO and the OECD; regional trade organisations...     Semester 1     12.50

    325-664  Strategic Management
    This subject is about the strategic management process - how managers develop and implement strategies in organisations - and how that process itself is changing. It focuses on three main issues: (1) how different industry conditions support differen...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    325-683  Global Corporate Strategy
    This subject examines three core topics in global corporate strategy. The first deals with the task of creating and sustaining competitive advantage across and portfolio of foreign markets. The second concerns the changing environments in which firms...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    325-689  Managing the Multinational
    This subject explores two important areas of concern facing managers of multinational corporations. First it examines the relationship and balance between global integration and local responsiveness that lies at the heart of understanding multination...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    325-691  Cross Cultural Management
    This subject explores key issues facing managers of international businesses. These include the need to develop skills in cross-cultural communication, negotiation and conflict resolution within the firm and with other parties in host countries, incl...     Semester 2     12.50

    325-698  Governance and the International Firm
    International firms face complex problems of governance and increasing scrutiny. Conflicts between shareholders, workforces, consumers and local communities are heightened by interactions with sovereign governments and non-governmental organizations ...     Semester 2     12.50

    Six elective subjects selected from the following streams:

    International Management

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    325-656  Conflict and Negotiation
    Individual and group conflict is an inevitable aspect of day to day life. This subject will review the major causes of conflict in the workplace and its negotiation through individual, collective and institutional mechanisms. Students will be offered...     Semester 2     12.50

    325-676  Managing e-business Supply Chains
    The supply chain within an industry or company involves the configuration and operation of the fulfilment processes of orders placed within the operation(s). This subject will focus on the e-Business supply chains literature supported by practical ca...     Semester 1     12.50

    325-681  International Marketing Management
    International Marketing provides students with an introduction to basic marketing concepts as they apply in an international context. More fundamentally, it discusses some of the most important topics facing both international marketing practitioners...     Semester 1, Summer     12.50

    325-687  International Human Resource Management
    This subject will examine the challenge of managing a global workforce in an international setting. The relationships between the external environment, organisational factors, and international HRM strategies and practices will be studied from both a...     Semester 2     12.50

    325-688  Asian Business and Management
    This subject will examine how the strategy, institutional context and organisation of firms from East and Southeast Asian economies differ from 'typical' western firms. It will explain and conceptualise the nature of Asian management in gen...     Semester 1     12.50

    333-690  International Financial Management
    Balance of payments analysis, foreign exchange markets and terminology, international financial markets and international banking, international investments and portfolio allocation, measuring and managing foreign exchange exposure, international cap...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    Regional and Global Issues
    All language subjects offered by the Asia Institute and the School of Languages and Linguistics

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    110-553  Human Rights in Southeast Asia
    This seminar will focus on human rights and its critics from a historical and comparative perspective. We will explore the factors that have given rise to radically different conception of rights and justice (i.e. political, economic, cultural, relig...     Semester 2     12.50

    131-553  International Relations from 1945
    This subject combines historical and theoretical analysis of topics in international relations from the end of World War II to the "war on terror". Topics examined may include how policymakers apply the "lessons" of history; the c...     Semester 2     12.50

    166-544  The EU and Globalisation
    This subject focuses on current debates on European Integration and Globalisation, and examines the EU as an International Actor. It introduces students to concepts of integration, multi-level governance; polity; globalisation and social model. It ap...     Semester 2     12.50

    166-547  Politics and Business in post-Mao China
    Over the past two decades, the role of the Chinese state in the countryÂ’s economic development has changed considerably. The state planning agencies no longer decide what and how much should the country ...     Semester 2     12.50

    Trade and Investment: Treaties and Contracts

    Graduate level subjects from the Faculty of Law (subject to availability and MIB students meeting Melbourne Law School pre-requisites), such as:

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    730-606  International Taxation: Principles and Structure (formerly Australian International Taxation)     
    This subject will not be available in 2009     

    730-634  International Trade Law     
    This subject will not be available in 2009     

    730-743  International Commercial Arbitration     
    This subject will not be available in 2009     

    730-796  Developing Countries and the WTO     
    This subject will not be available in 2009     12.50

    730-826  Principles of WTO Law     
    This subject will not be available in 2009     12.50

    730-854  International Environmental Law     
    This subject will not be available in 2009     12.50

    730-882  International Issues in Intellectual Property     
    This subject will not be available in 2009     

    Other elective subjects offered by the Faculty of Arts, such as:

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    161-521  Issues in Professional & Applied Ethics
    This course will examine some of the central debates in applied ethics, focussing on ethics and the law. Topics discussed may include ethical issues associated with intellectual property, self-regulation and meta-regulation, social responsibilty of t...     Semester 2     12.50

    161-515  Global Justice
    This subject begins with an analysis of recent attempts to justify the claim that duties of justice apply to the world as a whole. This cosmopolitan point of view is contrasted with nationalist positions which seek to limit duties of distributive jus...     Semester 1     12.50

    Students can select elective subjects offered by other University faculties and schools, subject to the approval of the program director and the relevant Faculty/School.

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