Master of International Relations (Laws)

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Comments about Master of International Relations (Laws) - On Campus - Robina - Queensland

  • Objectives
    The Master of International Relations (Laws) will provide a solid foundation in both International Relations and Law before candidates elect a specialisation area. The degree seeks to provide candidates with theoretical and professional training for careers in which a global political-law framework is required.
  • Practical experience
    Work experience and Internships Some students without practical workplace experience, or with workplace experience in a field different from their studies, choose to undertake an internship as part of their degree. This intensely practical professional development approach fosters graduates who are ready, willing and able to hit the ground running and make an immediate impact in the workplace.
  • Entry requirements
    Completion of an undergraduate degree program at an approved institution with at least a major in International Relations or similar and normally with a record of performance at Credit (65%) level or better, subject to the decision of the Dean.
  • Academic title
    Master of International Relations (Laws)
  • Course description
    Professional Outcomes

    This program provides students with an advanced understanding of the theoretical and practical polity of International Relations, and the relationship the politico-legal frameworks which govern international relationships.  Such knowledge is invaluable for graduates who are seeking a profession in many of the government, inter-governmental and non-government organisations operating in the international arena.


    International Students: Students must undertake three subjects per semester (equivalent to 30 credit points) to fulfil student visa requirements. Student may be able to accelerate their degree program by obtaining written approval from the Faculty.

    Domestic Students: Most Students undertake four subjects per semester (equivalent to 40 credit points). You may, however, enrol in fewer subjects (equivalent to 30 credit points) and extend your degree over a longer period.

    Bond's Teaching methodology involves a combination of lectures, tutorials, seminars, examinations, projects, presentations, assignments, computer labs and industry projects.

    Program Structure
    12 Subjects, 120 Credit Points
    Core (2)

    Students must complete the following compulsory subjects in the first two semesters of enrolment:

        * HUMR71-100 Research Methods in Humanities and Social Sciences
        * HUMR71-110 Epistemology and Theory of Knowledge

    Foundation (6)

    Six (6) foundation subjects:

        * LAWS70-101 Introduction to Common Law
        * LAWS70-102 Advanced Legal Research & Writing
        * INTR71-330 Global Statecraft
        * INTR71-315 Global Security and Institutions
        * INTR71-310 Advanced Global Politics
        * INTR71-350 Political Economy of International Development and


    50 credit points in one specialisation, see options below:

    Asian Politics:

        * INTR71-303 Chinese Strategic Thought and Practice
        * INTR71-305 Australia & Asia-Pacific Regionalism
        * INTR71-210 East-West Diplomatic Relations
        * INTR71-304 Themes in Eurasian International Relations
        * INTR71-340 China and East Asia
        * INTR71-700 International Relations Internship
        * LAWS71-200 Law and Society in China

    Conflict Resolution:

        * LAWS73-763 Dispute Systems Design
        * LAWS77-467 Settlement of International Disputes
        * LAWS73-760 Theory and Principles of Dispute Resolution
        * INTR71-210 East-West Diplomatic Relations
        * INTR71-306 Trends for the International Future
        * INTR71-203 Concepts of World Governance
        * INTR71-700 International Relations Internship


        * LAWS73-760 Theory and Principles of Dispute Resolution
        * LAWS71-450 International Law
        * INTR71-210 East-West Diplomatic Relations
        * INTR71-203 Concepts of World Governance
        * INTR71-305 Australia & Asia-Pacific Regionalism
        * INTR71-208 Regional Diplomacy
        * INTR71-700 International Relations Internship


        * INTR71-340 China and East Asia
        * INTR71-306 Trends for the International Future
        * INTR71-700 International Relations Internship
        * INTR71-203 Concepts of World Governance
        * LAWS71-450 International Law
        * LAWS71-794 International Criminal Law
        * LAWS71-510 The Law of Globalisation
        * LAWS77-469 World Trade Organization: The Legal Framework
        * IBUS71-602 Global Business

    International Development:

        * LAWS77-454 Human Rights Law
        * LAWS77-469 World Trade Organization: The Legal Framework
        * LAWS71-450 International Law
        * LAWS71-794 International Criminal Law
        * INTR71-305 Australia & Asia-Pacific Regionalism
        * INTR71-203 Concepts of World Governance
        * INTR71-208 Regional Diplomacy
        * INTR71-700 International Relations Internship

    International Law:

        * LAWS71-450 International Law
        * LAWS71-794 International Criminal Law
        * LAWS73-742 International Contracts
        * LAWS73-711 International Financial System : Law & Practice
        * LAWS73-741 International Investment Transactions
        * LAWS77-446 International Conflicts
        * LAWS73-740 International Trade Transactions
        * LAWS71-510 The Law of Globalisation


        * For students who have achieved a minimum GPA of 2.5 in completed subjects they may complete the degree by undertaking a dissertation by enrolling in
              o HUMR71-701 Masters Research Dissertation A
              o HUMR71-702 Masters Research Dissertation B
              o HUMR71-703 Masters Research Dissertation C and
              o HUMR71-704 Masters Research Dissertation D
        * and an additional 10 credit point subject from either the INTR71 or LAWS71 codes.

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