Master of International Studies

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  • Objectives
    Students who successfully complete the Masters degree should: * understand the roles of international organizations and institutions, and their inter-action with national and regional institutions, cultures and societies; * critically appreciate how the processes of key concepts, including internationalism, globalisation and transnationalism, have shaped the contemporary world; * understand the theory and method of comparative and cross-disciplinary approaches to a range of issues in international studies; * understand, through detailed examination of selective case studies, how key concepts and approaches in international studies may be applied to processes, 'problems' and cultures.
  • Academic title
    Master of International Studies
  • Course description
    200 point program

    Duration: 2 year full-time / up to 4 years part-time

    First 100 points:

        * two compulsory subjects (25 points)
        * up to six elective subjects at 400 level - to total 75 points


        * two compulsory subjects (25 points)
        * thesis subject (25 points)
        * up to four elective subject at 400 level to total 50 points

    Second 100 points:

        * elective subjects at 500 level (100 points)

    Total 200 points - subjects are 12.5 points unless otherwise specified

    150 point program

    Duration: 1.5 year full-time / up to 3 years part-time

    First 50 points:

        * two compulsory subjects (25 points)
        * up to two elective subjects at 400 level - to total 25 points

    OR (for students who have completed the core subjects)

        * elective subjects to total 50 points

    Second 100 points:

        * elective subjects at 500 level - to total 100 points


        * thesis subject (25 points)
        * electives at 500 level - to total 75 points

    Total 150 points - subjects are 12.5 points unless otherwise specified

    100 point program

    Duration: 1 year full-time / up to 2 years part-time

        * two compulsory subjects (25 points)
        * up to six elective subjects at 500 level - to total 75 points


        * two compulsory subjects (25 points)
        * thesis subject (25 points)
        * up to four elective subjects at 500 level - to total 50 points

    OR (for students who have completed the compulsory subjects)

        * elective subjects at 500 level to total 100 points


        * thesis subject (25 points)
        * electives at 500 level - to total 75 points

    Total 100 points - subjects are 12.5 points unless otherwise specified

    Compulsory Subjects

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    102-507  Themes in International Studies
    The subject offers students an introduction to the key themes in the International Studies program. Graduates of the Master of International Studies should be equipped with the skills to analyse and assess thematic approaches to International Studies...     Semester 1     12.50

    102-508  Theories in International Studies
    This subject will introduce students the most recent theoretical approaches and debates in international studies, the historical context of these concerns, and their regional permutations. These include state-formation, world systems, post-colonialis...     Semester 2     12.50

    Thesis subject
    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    102-509  International Studies Thesis
    This subject involves a departmentally supervised thesis of 10 000 words, embodying the results of the student's own research into a topic within the International Studies arena.     Semester 1, Semester 2     25

    Elective subjects (400 Level)
    Governance: Conflict, Rights and Citizenship

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    121-436  The Geopolitics of Peace and Development
    This subject examines the ways in which geopolitical thought shapes practices of peace and development, and the ways in which peace and development are themselves interrelated. States shape their security and development policies according to their u...     Semester 1     12.50

    166-416  Justice, Democracy and Difference
    This subject provides a critical examination of contemporary debates about ideas of justice, democracy and the politics of difference. The subject critically explores both the major liberal approaches to justice alongside critiques of liberal approac...     Semester 1     12.50

    166-418  Corruption in Today's World
    This subject focuses on definitions, types and theories of corruption, and on its political, social and economic effects in various parts of the world, particularly since the 1980s. The subject asks students to problematise the concept of corruption ...     Semester 1     12.50

    166-444  The Emerging World (Dis)Order
    This subject provides students with an opportunity to think about some of the major issues in contemporary international politics. An underlying theme is the extent to which contemporary international politics can be seen in terms of the emergence of...     Semester 1     12.50

    131-460  Fascist Europe
    This subject is a comparative study of European fascisms from the end of World War I through 1945. The primary focus will be on the fascist movements and regimes in Italy, Spain and Germany, but attention will also be given to the fascist movements i...     Semester 2     12.50

    131-405  History, Memory and Violence in Asia
    The history wars between Japan and China over Japan´s war time roles periodically cause diplomatic fall outs between these two countries. Within the borders of Indonesia, India and Cambodia memories of violence are equally co...     Semester 2     12.50

    131-415  Middle Eastern Wars: Jihad & Resistance
    The basic meaning of the word Jihad is 'effort,' one to achieve a positive goal. The effort can be personal and spiritual, to achieve piety and moral integrity, or collective and physical participation in warfare to protect or advance a mor...     Semester 2     12.50

    131-463  World War Two in Asia and the Pacific    
    This subject will not be available in 2009     12.50

    131-471  Postcolonial and Indigenous Histories
    This seminar critically examines the scholarly phenomenon of postcolonialism in relation to the recovery and writing of Indigenous and colonised histories, and the related political struggles of Indigenous peoples around the world. The seminar will b...     Semester 2     12.50

    Globalisation. Migration and Communication, Cultures and Regions.

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    131-406  Aspects of Stalinism
    This advanced seminar examines key aspects of the nature of the Soviet political system under Stalin, especially as we now understand them in the light of new archival materials. It also considers the way in which these problems have been viewed by h...     Semester 1     12.50

    HIST40010  Current Themes in American History    
    This subject will not be available in 2009     12.50

    131-419  The Troubles in Northern Ireland 1968-98    
    This subject will not be available in 2009     12.50

    Note:Students may enrol in up to 25 points of language study in place of electives as approved by the course co-ordinator (usually taken as 400 level electives in the first 100 points of a 200 point program).

    Elective Subjects (500 Level)

    Governance: Conflict, Rights and Citizenship.

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    131-553  International Relations from 1945
    This subject combines historical and theoretical analysis of topics in international relations from the end of World War II to the "war on terror". Topics examined may include how policymakers apply the "lessons" of history; the c...     Semester 2     12.50

    110-553  Human Rights in Southeast Asia
    This seminar will focus on human rights and its critics from a historical and comparative perspective. We will explore the factors that have given rise to radically different conception of rights and justice (i.e. political, economic, cultural, relig...     Semester 2     12.50

    166-511  US Foreign Policy
    This subject will address key questions for evaluating American leadership since 1989. We will look specifically at the leadership offered by George Bush snr., Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. How different is the approach taken by these presidents t...     Semester 2     12.50

    Globalisation, Migration and Communication

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    100-574  Global Crisis Reporting
    Global Crisis Reporting examines studies and approaches to global communications and the reporting of crises, including disasters and humanitarian relief. The course examines the extent to which, how and why forms of coverage have changed in recent y...     Semester 1     25

    100-577  Strategic Political Communication
    This subject examines the strategies used by political actors to communicate with a focus on political, public and government communication across different national, international and global contexts. The subject provides a critical review of key as...     Semester 1     25

    102-512  Australian Cosmopolitanisms´
    Australian Cosmopolitanisms: Beyond Multiculturalism; explores a range of effects resulting from the traffic across national boundaries of culture, capital, people and ideas. Unlike some programmes t...     Semester 1     12.50

    166-502  International and Comparative Politics
    This subject provides a comprehensive overview of the major post-war approaches and methodologies used to explain international relations and comparative world politics. It also provides a trenchant critique of these approaches and methodologies, not...     Semester 1     25

    106-514  The Publishing Industry & Globalisation
    This subject addresses a range of political, social and cultural issues associated with the globalisation of publishing. Students will review various interpretations of the emergence of global publishing conglomerates and the integration of print pub...     Semester 2     12.50

    100-570  Global Media: Theory and Research
    This subject provides students with a foundation of advanced understanding of global and international media communication in respect of both the recent past and contemporary world. The subject will encourage students to engage with empirical case st...     Semester 2     25

    166-544  The EU and Globalisation
    This subject focuses on current debates on European Integration and Globalisation, and examines the EU as an International Actor. It introduces students to concepts of integration, multi-level governance; polity; globalisation and social model. It ap...     Semester 2     12.50

    Cultures and Regions

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    131-551  Gender: Representations and Histories
    What is gender and why does it matter? In this seminar we will explore how this concept emerged and the multiple meanings it has taken on in academic inquiry and everyday life. Representations of gender will be examined in both theoretical and histor...     Semester 1     12.50

    110-590  Critical Asian Perspectives
    This subject aims to consolidate and develop fourth year and postgraduate coursework students' intellectual conception of the interdisciplinary field of Asian Studies. Students will deepen their understanding of their chosen field through readin...     Semester 1     12.50

    107-550  Biennales, Triennales and Documentas
    This subject examines the exhibition of contemporary art in international survey exhibitions since the 1960s, delineating the methods that curators and directors have tested in response to the needs of art museums, bureaucracies, artists and publics ...     Semester 2     12.50

    102-511  Imaging Australian Spaces
    This subject allows students to examine the ways in which Australian space has been represented in a variety of cultural forms. The subject explores how these spaces - conceived in a visual, literary and physical sense - have developed, and how these...     Semester 2     12.50

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