Master of Management (Accounting)

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  • Objectives
    1. Learning GoalGraduates of this degree will be:Adept at analysing and evaluating evidence in management decision making in an area of commerce specialisation.Learning objectives to achieve this goalOn successful completion of this degree students will be able to:• describe and explain the fundamental principles influencing markets and managing organisations• evaluate the impact of a variety of cultural and environmental factors on the organisation and in the market.2. Learning goalGraduates of this degree will be:Strategic and critical thinkers in relation to business, commerce and public policy related issues and in developing solutions to problems in organisations and in societyLearning objectives to achieve this goalOn successful completion of this degree students will be able to:• explain and critically analyse factors that influence decision making in firms and the economy• identify strategic issues and solutions in relation to economic problems and activity within firms.• apply knowledge of theory to analyse real and hypothetical problems in different markets both domestically and internationally.3. Learning GoalGraduates of this degree will be:Effective decision makers in business, commerce and public policy.Learning objectives to achieve this goalOn successful completion of this degree students will be able to:• Apply basic mathematical techniques to analyse business data.• Evaluate the applicability of various theories and techniques to business related problems.• Employ a range of tools of analysis’ pertinent to the evaluation of evidence in business sector• Use evidenced based research techniques to support decisions• Apply ethical principles and corporate governance strategies to address real world issues and problems.4. Learning GoalGraduates of this degree will be:Competent in professional knowledge and skills in the accounting discipline in preparation for entry into the accounting professionLearning objectives to achieve this goal• On successful completion of this degree students will be able to:• Critically analyse and think strategically in relation to accounting and business analysis issues and problems• Apply appropriate accounting professional and analytical skills• Identify, critically evaluate and develop solutions to professional accounting issues emerging from changes in practice and accounting regulation
  • Academic title
    Master of Management (Accounting)
  • Course description
    Four foundation subjects:

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    316-660  Managerial Economics
    The subject provides an introduction to the fundamentals of microeconomics and strategy, and applies this knowledge to a number of business and management issues. Topics to be covered include: the working of competitive markets and the determination ...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    316-661  Quantitative Methods for Business
    The subject introduces students without a strong mathematical background to some of the methods used to collect, present and analyse data and to provide illustrative applications to decision problems faced by business managers. Topics will be chosen ...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    325-606  Organisational Fundamentals
    This subject will introduce students to key themes and issues in management and marketing and help them to develop key management skills. The focus will be on understanding the way organisations operate in their economic and social environments and t...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    333-692  Financial Decision Making
    This subject is designed to equip students with the tools necessary to enable them to make the core investment decisions that managers face on a daily basis as well as the knowledge as to where they can find the information necessary to apply those t...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    Ten compulsory subjects:

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points

    306-660  Accounting for Decision Making
    This subject is designed to enable students to be informed users of accounting information of all types. It is divided into three parts. The first part of the subject covers the basic concepts in accounting and the terminology used by accountants. Th...     Semester 1, Semester 2, Summer     12.50

    306-662  Information Processes & Control
    This subject introduces students to the key business and financial processes underpinning organizational business activities and the role and operation of information systems in supporting these business processes.     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    306-670  Strategic Cost Management
    Strategic Cost Management introduces students to the techniques and processes available to assist managers in planning and controlling organisational activities. It deals in depth with the process of identifying, measuring, analysing, interpreting an...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    306-672  Strategic Performance Management
    The subject focuses on the role of managerial accounting information in strategic performance management. The subject explores the issues around goal setting, the role of budgets in performance management, performance measurement and evaluation, ince...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    306-683  Corporate Reporting
    The framework within which regulatory aspects of corporate reporting are conducted, the preparation of general purpose financial reports in accordance with the Corporations Law, the Accounting Standards, and IAC Interpretations.     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    306-684  Financial Accounting
    Analysis of contemporary accounting issues within the frameworks of agency theory, capital markets theory and human judgement theory. The aim is to develop a critical understanding of established theories and assumptions underpinning financial accoun...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    306-685  Auditing and Assurance Services
    Development of an understanding of the processes and practices involved in external auditing of general purpose and other financial reports within the framework of Auditing Standards and the Corporations Law, exploration of underpinning theory as to ...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    306-686  Legal Issues for Accountants
    Topics include the general legal framework as it relates to the business environment; the basic law of contract; the responsibilities and risks that arise in business, with a particular emphasis on the law relating to corporate entities; the Australi...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    306-687  Taxation for Business Decision Making
    Topics include Australian income tax law and its application to the business environment; compliance with statutory and professional requirements in relation to taxation; the taxation of capital gains; fringe benefits tax; goods and services tax; and...     Semester 1, Semester 2     12.50

    333-642  Corporate Financial Policy
    This subject extends the analysis of capital budgeting, capital structure, dividend policy and corporate risk management provided in 333-641 Financial Management or 333-692 Financial Decision Making. Topics include the effect of the dividend imputati...     Semester 2     12.50

    Two electives:
    Two free electives to be taken from the Master of Management elective subject listing.

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