Course description
Students are required to undertake 100 points of study, consisting of a thesis of 20,000 words with a research methodology component (75 points total) and 25 points of coursework selected from the list below. Students must publicly present a research paper in the last six months of their candidature. Applicants for Stream 100A are required to submit a thesis proposal signed by their prospective supervisor with their application.
Students enrolled in Streams 100A are required to attain an average of at least 75 in their coursework component before commencing their thesis. If this score is not attained, progress will be assessed on an individual basis.
Coursework subjects (select one):
Subject Semester Credit Points
460-625 Negotiated Project in Education
An individually negotiated project relating to education, in which the student undertakes a theoretical study (eg., a substantial critical review of a particular body of literature), a research project relating to educational practice, or an approved... Semester 1, Semester 2, Summer 25
460-626 Negotiated Project in Education 2
An individually negotiated project relating to education, in which the student undertakes a theoretical study (eg., a substantial critical review of a particular body of literature), a research project relating to educational practice, or an approved... Semester 1, Semester 2, Summer 25
460-627 Minor Project in Education
An individually negotiated project relating to education, in which the student undertakes a theoretical study (eg., a substantial critical review of a particular body of literature), a research project relating to educational practice, or an approved... Semester 1, Semester 2, Summer 12.50
460-628 Minor Project in Education 2
An individually negotiated project relating to education, in which the student undertakes a theoretical study (eg., a substantial critical review of a particular body of literature), a research project relating to educational practice, or an approved... Semester 1, Semester 2, Summer 12.50
Approved research methodology studies
Subject Semester Credit Points
460-681 Minor Thesis - Education (RM)
No description available RHD First Half Year, RHD Second Half Year N/A
460-607 Minor Thesis - Education
No description available RHD First Half Year, RHD Second Half Year N/A