Course description
Students are required to undertake 100 points of coursework selected from the list of 25-point subjects.
Compulsory subjects
Subject Semester Credit Points
483-606 Language Teaching and Culture
This subject will not be available in 2009 25
483-604 Nonverbal Communication in L2 Learning
This subject will not be available in 2009 25
Elective subjects (select 50 points)
Subject Semester Credit Points
483-620 Second Language Assessment
A study of the theory and practice of second language assessment. Topics include: the purposes of language assessment, models of communicative language ability and their implications for assessment, the design of assessment instruments, assessing spe... Semester 1 25
483-634 Project in Modern Languages Education
This subject will not be available in 2009
483-636 Teaching English in the Internat.Context
The subject examines the international debate on the nature and role of English in the world over the past 25 years. Issues of naming and variety are considered and the politics and economics of the spread of English is examined, as well as charges o... Semester 2 25
483-654 Bilingual Education
This subject will not be available in 2009 25
483-656 Doing Discourse Analysis in Education
This subject will not be available in 2009 25
460-625 Negotiated Project in Education
An individually negotiated project relating to education, in which the student undertakes a theoretical study (eg., a substantial critical review of a particular body of literature), a research project relating to educational practice, or an approved... Semester 1, Semester 2, Summer 25
460-626 Negotiated Project in Education 2
An individually negotiated project relating to education, in which the student undertakes a theoretical study (eg., a substantial critical review of a particular body of literature), a research project relating to educational practice, or an approved... Semester 1, Semester 2, Summer 25
460-627 Minor Project in Education
An individually negotiated project relating to education, in which the student undertakes a theoretical study (eg., a substantial critical review of a particular body of literature), a research project relating to educational practice, or an approved... Semester 1, Semester 2, Summer 12.50
460-628 Minor Project in Education 2
An individually negotiated project relating to education, in which the student undertakes a theoretical study (eg., a substantial critical review of a particular body of literature), a research project relating to educational practice, or an approved... Semester 1, Semester 2, Summer 12.50