Master of Nursing – Canada - Distance

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Comments about Master of Nursing – Canada - Online

  • Objectives
    CSU’s Master of Nursing program provides registered nurses with an opportunity to build on their undergraduate learning, extend their clinical focus and develop research related skills.
  • Academic title
    Master of Nursing – Canada
  • Course description
    Postgraduate Diploma of Nursing Management (exit point only) PostGradDipMgt
    Postgraduate Diploma of Mental Health Nursing (exit point only) PostGradDipMentalHlthNurs
    Postgraduate Diploma of Nursing Education (exit point only) PostGradDipNursEd
    Postgraduate Diploma of Rural Nursing (exit point only) PostGradDipRuralNurs

    About the course

    The Master of Nursing provides registered nurses with an opportunity to build on their undergraduate learning, extend their clinical focus and develop research related skills.

    Students may tailor their study to suit particular areas of interest and experience, by electing from four areas of specialisation: Rural Nursing, Management, Nursing Education and Mental Health Nursing.

    On completion of the first 64 points of study (including credit), students may exit the program with a Postgraduate Diploma in the area of specialisation.

    Credit for previous study

    Students with five or more years professional nursing experience may receive 8 points credit (equivalent to one subject) in recognition of prior learning. In addition those students who have completed a four year undergraduate nursing degree may be granted a credit package of 24 points (equivalent to three subjects)..

    Exit points

    Students may elect to exit the Master course after completion of the first two years with a Postgraduate Diploma in the area chosen for the specialised strand, as follows:

        * Postgraduate Diploma of Nursing Management
        * Postgraduate Diploma of Mental Health Nursing
        * Postgraduate Diploma of Nursing Education
        * Postgraduate Diploma of Rural Nursing

    Residential schools

    There are no residential schools associated with this course.

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