Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner)

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Comments about Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) - On Campus - Bedford Park - South Australia

  • Objectives
    This course aims to meet the needs of extended practice nurses/midwives from a range of health care settings and develop skills and knowledge in order to undertake the full extent of the nurse practitioner role.Learning outcomesGraduates of this course are expected to be able to: * develop extended nursing/midwifery knowledge and clinical practice skills necessary for the management and provision of effective comprehensive health care to particular populations of health consumers; * integrate and apply the interdisciplinary skills and knowledge that are required to participate effectively in the planning, implementation and management of health care programs and services; * develop an advanced level of understanding in the legal, ethical and political dimensions of Nursing Practitioner/Midwifery practice; * apply research skills to the resolution and improvement of health outcomes for consumers of clinical and community nursing/midwifery practice.
  • Entry requirements
    Applicants must hold a nursing or midwifery degree or an equivalent qualification approved by the Faculty Board, and be a registered general nurse or midwife and hold a current practising certificate. However, the Board may, under certain circumstances and subject to specific conditions, admit others who can show evidence of fitness for candidature.Applicants must also: * have at least three years' post-registration work experience; * be recognised as an advanced practice nurse/midwife with a specified area of practice, and demonstrate excellence within that role; * demonstrate a commitment to, and the capacity to contribute to innovation and leadership within their scope of practice; * provide documentation of employer support necessary to undertake the extended clinical practice components of the course within their workplace or related agencies. Applicants will be required to provide a portfolio of evidence to enable assessment for admission.CREDITNormal credit arrangements will apply, namely that credit of up to 18 units may be awarded, and in exceptional circumstances, up to 36 units may be awarded in recognition of related academic achievement of substantially the same standard and content.
  • Academic title
    Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner)
  • Course description
    The Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) is a 54-unit course offered on a Commonwealth Supported basis by the Faculty of Health Sciences in conjunction with participating hospitals and health agencies.

    Credit of up to 36 units may be awarded in recognition of related professional and/or academic achievement. See Credit below for details.

    PROGRAM OF STUDY  [February, 2009]

    To qualify for the Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner), a student must complete 54 units with a grade of Pass or NGP or better in each topic, according to the program of study below.

    The award of a grade of Fail (F) in the same topic on more than one occasion or in 12 units or more, or failure to complete the course within three consecutive years may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the purpose of the University's Policy on Student Progress.

    Except with the permission of the Faculty Board:

        * no topic may be attempted more than twice;
        * a student may not include a topic which repeats work previously undertaken;
        * the program must be completed full-time in three consecutive semesters or part-time in six consecutive semesters.

    Not all topics are necessarily available in any given year.


    Principles of Pharmacology and Therapeutics



    Pharmacology for Advanced Professional Practice



    Extended Nursing Practice



    Evidence-Based Clinical Practice



    Population Health



    Leadership in Health Studies



    Diagnostics for the Nurse Practitioner



    Transition to the Role of Nurse Practitioner


    Upon completion of the course graduates are eligible to apply to a relevant nursing authority to practice as a Nurse Practitioner.

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