Master of Philosophy

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Comments about Master of Philosophy - On Campus - Parkville - Victoria

  • Objectives
    On completion of the course students should be able to:

    · demonstrate advanced learning in research skills and mastery of appropriate techniques, such as the use of archival or primary evidence, analysis of data, judgment of conflicting evidence etc;

    · demonstrate specialist knowledge in the area of their research;

    · present the results of their research in publishable quality or work towards incorporating their findings in further research;

    · gain access to certain types of employment through this specialist qualification;

    · demonstrate an understanding of, and commitment to, research ethics or code of practice.
  • Academic title
    Master of Philosophy
  • Course description
    Research Masters degrees at the University of Melbourne seek to develop graduates who have a capacity for defining and managing a research project characterised by originality and independence. Their training equips them for more sustained and original work at the doctoral level or for applied research positions in a wide variety of contexts.

    The normal length of an MPhil thesis is 30,000-40,000 words, exclusive of words in tables, maps bibliographies and appendices. Footnotes are included as part of the word limit.

    All candidates for the MPhil will be examined on the basis of their thesis. A candidate will have appropriately experienced supervisor/s and an Advisory Committee who in consultation with the candidate, arranges a course of supervised research designed to suit the individual requirements and interests of the candidate. A candidate may be required to supplement their research program by attendance at, or enrolment in, additional subjects if considered necessary by the supervisor(s).

    All MPhil candidates are required to complete the equivalent of at least 6 months full-time (12 months part-time) advanced study and research at the University (unless studying at an approved outside institution). The Research Higher Degrees Committee will not approve entirely distance supervision or entirely on-line supervision for research higher degree students.

    Duration of candidature is 18 months. Two extensions of three months each may be allowed.
    RTS is available for a maximum of 2 years.

    Possible academic disciplines:
    Architecture, Building and Planning
    Economics and Commerce
    Land and Food Resources
    MDHS (Medicine)
    Melbourne Business School
    Veterinary Science
    Victorian College of the Arts

Other programs related to architecture

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