Master of Process Management - Distance

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Comments about Master of Process Management - Online

  • Objectives
    This program is aimed at the professional upgrading of persons entering or currently employed in the area of process engineering/process management. It is designed so that students can apply process engineering and management strategies, philosophies, procedures and techniques to their own work positions, and complete assignments, projects and other tasks by focusing on actual circumstances that exist within their individual workplaces.
  • Entry requirements
    To gain entry, students must have previously completed the CQUniversity Graduate Diploma in Process Management (CF09) or equivalent and be currently employed in the area of process engineering/process management. Please note there is no new enrolments for CF09 GradGraduate Diploma in Process Management as this program is in teach out mode only.
  • Academic title
    Master of Process Management
  • Course description

    About Process Management

    The Process Management program aims to produce graduates who understand different Process Management philosophies, strategies and work processes, have a practical knowledge of the latest Process Management/Operation tools, and are able to contribute positively to the management of various processes within Australian industry.

    CQUniversity offers a quality distance education program in process engineering leading to the qualifications of Master of Process Management.  The courses are specifically aimed at the professionals wanting to upgrade who is currently employed in the area of process engineering/process management.

    The Process Engineering program was designed and developed in close cooperation with industry and it aims to produce graduates who have a practical understanding of the different process issues that must be addressed when operating process plants and the skills to positively contribute to the improvement of those processes.

    Each course has been specifically designed to develop both the technical and professional skills of the student and their ability to apply this knowledge in their everyday work.  These skills will be developed by completing projects that focus on the actual circumstances that apply in their place of work.

    The development of these courses has been in response to a strong and clearly-voiced demand from industry.  A Process Engineering Course Advisory Committee was established to oversee the development of the courses.  This Committee consists of senior engineers from Queensland Alumina, Boyne Smelters and CSIRO.  The Committee has been, and continues to be, involved in all aspects of program development including identification of learning objectives and outcomes, content validation, assessment issues, and matters related to the design and delivery of each course unit.

    Career Opportunities

    The program is suited to the professionals currently employed in the area of process engineering/process management and who would like to advance their careers.  This qualification is highly regarded by industry.

    Program Structure

    Students must have completed the CQUniversity Graduate Diploma in Process Management (CF09) or equivalent and be currently employed in the area of process engineering/process management.  

    plus 2 core courses or 24 units of credit


    Students must complete 2 core courses.
    Course Code     Course Name
    ENPO29001     Process Management Industry Project A
    ENPO29002     Process Management Industry Project B

    ENPO29001 Process Management Industry Project A
    Course details

    This course is specifically designed so that students can apply an investigative process through the analysis of, reflection on and critique of, an area of Process Management related to their professional practice. This will ensure that the investigation undertaken is relevant to the needs of industry.
    The specific process management topic will be selected by negotiation with the Program Coordinator. It must be of sufficient size and complexity to substantially extend the knowledge gained in preceding courses of the Graduate Diploma program. The project will be supervised by a specialist in the specific area of process technology or management

    ENPO29002 Process Management Industry Project B
    Course details

    This course is specifically designed so that students can complete an investigative study through the analysis of, reflection on and critique of, an area of maintenance management related to their professional practice that was commenced in ENPO 29001 Process Management Project A. This will ensure that the investigation undertaken is relevant to the needs of industry.

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